Roots Wont Survive out of the NetPot


Hello to everyone, im new in this forum and to the hydroponics so im seeking for help from experienced growers.

First im gonna try to tell you every detail of my obviously not good enough system.

Im using an ebb&flow made out of pvc pipes, the pipes are positioned horizontally.
The reservoir is totally transparent without anything on top covering it from the sunlight despite of how many times i've read that water+sun=algae no algae has ever appeared in my reservoir. I use some local liquid fertilizer which is natural, to be honest smells pretty weird but I doubt it makes any difference haha :P it has every element that I read plants need, except by calcium.

Now to the point, I've planted some green bell peppers, Inside some homemade net pots (I searched in every plant store, and nobody had those stupid netpots) So, I tried at first growing the plants without any medium, just inside the netpot touching the water, and yes, it didnt work, roots rotted in 2 days. After that failure, I looked for the clay balls in stores and surprise again, had no luck, so I decided i would try as I saw in a youtube video; plant in substrate and put the plant WITH the substrated in the netpot... Plants grew pretty good up to 12cm long, that is like in 2 weeks i guess, the they suddenly stop growing! I checked the roots and realized that none of them came out of the netpots, So that was obviously the reason for the growth-stop. (some roots did got out of the pot; white and furry, but they would rot eventually.

Pretty disappoint of all the time i've lost without any success, i decided to break into small pieces a cheap clay jar to use as a replacement of the little clay balls, I tried once more, put the plants in the netpot with clay in them. they looked good for 2 days, but after that slimy stuff started apearing below the pots, and roots havent got out of the pots yet... They are still alive but wilt during day and recover during night (with no sign of new growth.)

I know it is a long post but I just dont know what am i doing wrong...:wall: I regulate my water's Ph level to 6.5 (it gets acidic everyday ) I use tap water, I dont let it sit for 24 hrs, I just get it and pour it in the reservoir every time I change the water. My day temperature is between 28ºc-and 33ºc everyday approx. but the water stays cool all the time, never heats up.
So, can someone please, pleeasee guide me? What is so wrong that wont let the roots of my peppers grow?
(I can post pictures if you need to take a closer look to my system) ThankYou

Mr marko

From what I have read u don't have the right tools for the job. Forget hardware stores and home depot. You need to find a grow shop, if one is not near you order online. U need net pots, use hydroton or coco. Some use perlite. All will work. The slime you're seeing is the beginning of the end. That's root rot. Your not gonna see any new growth under this condition. 6.5 ph is a little high imo I try to stay between 5.5-5.7/8 respectively. Tap water? Are u in a city? Chlorine water def. won't help this. I bought a Britta ( it connects to the faucett and is simple to put on and take off. If you don't have the things necessary for optimal growing conditions your wasting your time.


Well thanks Mr marko for pointing that out, I guess im gonna have to order plastic (netpots) online (didnt really wanted to, because it will be the most expensive plastic id be buying, but what the hell... I want things to work :) ) and some hydroton too. about the Ph, i read between 6.0 and 6.8 is perfect for peppers... so im kinda confused now. I'll also start treating my water, not just using directly the tap water (yes, im urban) Soo, I'll post the results after I get all the correct stuff, perhaps this time it will finally work.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks Mr marko for pointing that out, I guess im gonna have to order plastic (netpots) online (didnt really wanted to, because it will be the most expensive plastic id be buying, but what the hell... I want things to work :) ) and some hydroton too. about the Ph, i read between 6.0 and 6.8 is perfect for peppers... so im kinda confused now. I'll also start treating my water, not just using directly the tap water (yes, im urban) Soo, I'll post the results after I get all the correct stuff, perhaps this time it will finally work.
Have you considered growing pot instead of peppers? I highly recommend making the switch. Most of the people on this forum have experience with pot, and would only be guessing to the specific needs of peppers.
If you are making an online purchase, consider getting a waterfarm kit. they are very newbie frindly, and come with nutrients and everything.


Well-Known Member
I've tried to grow mini bells in a DWC and had all of them die because they do not put down roots and follow the water. I've gone back to soil because it looks like their root system is very shallow.


So you think peppers aint good for beginners? what plant would you consider "easy" for a beginner to grow hydroponically? I bet some plants are more resistant than other because, theres this plant that I cut of from my neighbors place, came home, filled a container with tap water and threw it in. a few days later, roots started sprouting and the plant was looking pretty healthy... I didnt even pay attention to it Haha...

Mr marko

Trying to help you get started that's all. Hell I use large folgers canisters with holes cut out of the lids with net pots and massive root systems dangling in super oxygenated nutrient solution. But u do need the basic things. Besides. Net pot won't cost much. It's a wise investment. Good luck in your quest.


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 x 4 flood and drain table with some pot plants (can't smoke pepper plants ), I have them in 6 inch net pots and they were doing great, the roots are gone outside the pots. They only have like three weeks left, they are auto's (critical jack and northern lights). We put a cover over the table and I am just running water. Will hygrozyme fix this or is it too late? I can go down and get some pictures if needed, I just stumbled on this thread and was hoping for more I guess. lol


Well-Known Member
you are having other issues there is no reason for roots to die.
heres a check list.
check ph
check water temp
consider you have root rot or plant virus- clean and start fresh
may be add air bubbles to res.
are roots drying out or exposed to light?


Well-Known Member
Keep ph 5.2-5.7 ish
Temps I am sure are high, I will go check.
I figure I have root rot, some of the plants are nice though - is it a matter of time?
Roots were exposed to light. I cut some holes in 1 inch foam, but I just did that a few days ago. Leaves have been yellowing like crazy...


Well-Known Member
I had the same issue... Looks like I took the right approach... ph and water temp was OK but had plant virus... tough to overcome.


Well-Known Member
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You can see there is a huge difference between the soil and hydro table. lol. The temp is 73.4.
I have been running just water for maybe four days. I think I am going to get some hygrozeme tomorrow. And try light nutes.

(edit: the ones in soil are same age)


Active Member
I have to ask are you putting any kind of wick in your clay to draw the water up to the roots to the roots until they grow into the water