Roots Organic: So far the best soil I've tried.


Well-Known Member
is the RO 707 blend better then the plain RO , for super soil? i found a shop a hour and a half from me that carries roots organic, will be making the trip mid week, to get it, so any info would help . thanks


Active Member
i havent heard anything about roots having bugs but i use a combo of roots and fox farm ocean and have great results with all my plants but i did hear actually that some of fox farms soil had bug problems in 2011 but me personally my plants are fine so who knows oh and i pay $11 for FFOF and $13 for roots organic in oregon

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
i havent heard anything about roots having bugs but i use a combo of roots and fox farm ocean and have great results with all my plants but i did hear actually that some of fox farms soil had bug problems in 2011 but me personally my plants are fine so who knows oh and i pay $11 for FFOF and $13 for roots organic in oregon
Damn!!!! As if i didn't have reason enough to move to Oregon! So you guys have medical herb, ocean views, mountains, no sales tax, anti urban sprawl laws, good public transportation, AND GOOD SOIL PRICES???


Well-Known Member
no news on the 707? i want to get subs soil mix down to a tee. if i dont hear from anyone about the 707, will go with the orignal roots. thx
i use roots. its amazing stuff, no bugs yet for me.

707 is a base soil made for amending to ur desired mix, it contains less perlite for better water retention and a lighter dose of nutrients so u can amend.


Well-Known Member
I use Roots organic's Green fields . I pay only 12-13 per bag. If i buy like 15-20 they drop it to 11.50 a bag. I guess it's just where you go.


Well-Known Member
any time you add compost to a soil your bound to have bugs in it.! Good stuff though, I still use it.

I love roots!!!!!!!!!!
wait for it, wait for it ..... where's the "Roots sucks!!! use Fox Farm instead" lobby

and before it's even posted ..... yes they did have pest problems in production last year.... not saying much .. but it's a good soil


Well-Known Member
god after reading this tread i love my hydro shop i pay $9 for a bag of roots here on the west coast


Well-Known Member
I use Roots organic's Green fields . I pay only 12-13 per bag. If i buy like 15-20 they drop it to 11.50 a bag. I guess it's just where you go.
Probably depends on how far you are from where it's made. I'm sure a good bit of the difference in cost between areas is how much it costs to get shipped there. Them heavy bags ain't cheap.