ROOTS ORGANIC COCO Lets see what you've grown in it!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone I am just putting this thread out there to see what kind of results other ppl are getting using the Roots Organic Soil-less Coco. I run 3 gallon fabric pots, w/ GH line and a few other additives....its a drain to waste system w/ little to no run off. Stems are monsters and I'm getting over 1.5-2+lbs/1000w light, 4-6 wk veg. Here's a few pics, now show me yours!



Well-Known Member
Idk about the coco by them, but i love the roots organic soil though. nice grow man! I've pulled 9oz dry weight plants with their soil. 2+ pounds per 1000w is really good i get about 20oz.