roots "melting"


Active Member
Hi. I am growing 4 critical by Royal Queen Seeds in one container. Container is 80l filled with 55l of nutrient solution. 16w airpump, 8 2" airstones. Water temp 20-21C. Started in rockwool. Now it is in pots filled with clay pebbles. Problen is that roots that come out from the bottom of the pot are getting thinner and then just dissapear. They are just normal when they just show, abbout 1mm thick. They dont turn brown, no slimmy stuff. Ph 5.6-6.1. Ec 1.5. Any help welcome.
Are they teaching the NUTE solution yet?

How old are the plants?

1.5EC is a little strong for plants that are less than 6 weeks old.

Are they teaching the NUTE solution yet?

How old are the plants?

1.5EC is a little strong for plants that are less than 6 weeks old.

They are 20 days after sprouting. Poping air bubles are sprinkling roots with water but they are not submerged.
Yes roots don't like light I grow in pots and and soil perlite mix and when root hit bottom slots and get hit by light they die
Too much air exposure will also cause them to air prune and die back.

I would increase your water volume to just allow the roots to submerge.

Without pictures, this sounds fine to me. That is how roots work, they start off thick and then taper off.

Taking the pots out from time to time to check roots and the res etc will do absolutely no harm to them.
thanks for response guys. I will add some ro water to get the ec down a bit and to make sure root go under water as soon as they coma out of clay pebbles.