roots growing up..

ok question... Have any of ya'll ever had the roots grow up to the surface?? I have about 3 roots growing from the bottom up to the top. Should i just let it grow or what??

Brick Top

New Member
Would it be a judicious act on my part to assume that you are growing in soil? If so what size pots are you growing in and how large are your plants?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
if in soil what is your watering schedule like ? frequent light watering will not encourage deep root growth
ok, yes I am growing in soil. I water every two days. the pots that they are in is about 3 gallon bucket. the lights i use are plant and aquarium lights. 18hrs of light still in veg stage

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my plants with my soil mix ..this may not work for you would take 1 liter of water before it would run out and would not need water again for 5-6 days , they were in 3 gal. containers,if they are just roots at the surface you can cover them with a little extra soil