roots growing out the bottom after transplant

Wtf I just trans 3 days ago and the roots are already coming out. idk what to to I'm in 5gal
right now. wtf should I do I'm in flowering stadge so I don't want to shock them


Active Member
How much room did you leave beneath the roots when you transplanted?

It does not take long for healthy roots to shoot to the bottom. If you left good room for growth I would not worry about it. If it bothers you, take a probe of some sort and poke them back through the holes. You should be fine either way.
I left a good amount of space. but I do have the hydro pebbles at the bottom
for drainage. when I trans the roots were wrapped around them so I pulled them out.
Ripped a few so I was scared but not now haha. I thought I killed it. they are very healthy almost 3
Weeks of flower. do you think I'm just keepin them too happy ? I got two under a 600w hps.
caring for them everyday for how ever long they need love.
So just let them be and they will die of with out stunting.
ps. can some one tell me how I give people rep+ I want to give you guys some for speedy
answers ! If you want pics go on my shit and look a girl scout cookie great grow. thx !


New Member
Look at my reply. At the bottom, it says "journal this post", theres a "star" thing, and a "warning symbol" thing.

Click the "star" looking sheriff badge thing. If you hover over it, it will say "add to this users reputation". Click it.

A message box will come up, fill in the blanks. Done. +rep given.


New Member
Also, if you click "myrollitup" you will be able to see who has left you rep. You'll see how much your "+rep" is worth, etc.

Mine for ex: 866 rep, +9 rep if I +rep someone. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. Correct me if I'm wrong.