Roots Growing out of pot


Active Member
title says it all. I have a 6 by 7 inch pot the plant is in and the bottom drainage hole, theres a good looking set of roots coming out about a quarter inch. i pushed them back in, but i know they'll be back.

Is the only thing i can do is transplant? Its time to transplant as the plant is outgrowing the pot yeah but i really wanted to wait till payday to buy some organics.[Bat guano+wormshit+some foxfarms soil] But that isnt till the the 5th of next month.

So i hgues im asking two Qs.

1 What else can i do about roots.
2. Is it going to impact the plant if i wait that extremely long period to transplant[will be transplanted to 2.5 gal.] and if so, how will it impact it? hermie?

thankts in advanced pplz!


Well-Known Member
I had some huge plants that were in 5 gallon pots and I buried the pots in the ground so they couldn't be noticed. The roots over flowed out of the pots and locked the pots down into the soil. When it came time to move them I had to carefully pull up all the roots and even this didn't effect the growth of the plants. They are about a month from finishing now. So I'm sure it won't stress out your baby to much waiting for the transplant. Good Luck!


Active Member
Thx for replying! Well i just wanted to know the pros and cons, just to be sure. I figure that waiting for a while to put them in quality soil that they will flourish in, is better then just buying a 5 to 7 $ bag of soil and just potting it as such.[Which is what it's in now.]My only fear is stressing it. lol, second attempt growing after drastically failing my first...I have to say that this is going fantastically better.

BTW this is a CFL grow. MG [shitty] soil atm, but otherwise the plant is going boom. lol and i have no idea how old the plant is. maybe over 2 or 3 weeks but i never keep track anymore.[anticipation drives me insane]