Roots.... Fabric pot question watering?


Active Member
So I've noticed that I have roots on the underside of my fabric pots. my girls are 15 days old from seed. Question, is this normal???? Also the top inch to inch and a half is dry below that its slightly damp. But the underside of the pot is moist. I'm growing in potting mix with perlite and vermiculite added. Am I good to water my girls? I'm just overly cautious... I feel they could use a water and it would be the first water where I plan on drenching the entire pot not just 4-5 inches around the Ladies. Comments criticism's? I'm I way off on my thoughts?
Its normal, but it is beneficial to lift those off the flat surface with like pot raisers ect.
Ok I'll have to get some risers... In the mean time will it hurt them I imagine the negitive of then not being on risers is any run off would be sorta trapped at the bottom giving rise to the possiblity of salt build up in the mix?