Roots Coming Out The Bottom Of My 1 Gal Pots


Active Member
ok i transplanted my plants for a 4inx4in pot into my 1 gal pots about 5 days ago and now they all ready have roots coming out the bottom is that bad?
like i dont want to transplant them into my 5 gal buckets till about 3 weeks from now i want them in them for a month total is that ok if roots are coming out the bottom?
heres pic of the gal pots
there is some little ones like half a inch out the pot and there was one long one that was about 2 inch that broke off
im just wounder if this is just what happends?
or im i in the wrong some where i just dont have the dirt to fill my 5 gal buckets yet also didnt thank a 2-3 week old plant would out grow my 1 gal pot so fast...............

match box

Well-Known Member
sounds like ya have a good root system going and that is never a bad thing. Ya may have to put them in the bigger pot so the roots have a better place to go. In side the pot. good luck


Well-Known Member
I usually wait till my leaves are growing outside the pot. I grow indica and like my girls to get just a little rootbound before I pot up. Just me though.


Active Member
I usually wait till my leaves are growing outside the pot. I grow indica and like my girls to get just a little rootbound before I pot up. Just me though.
yea thats was what i was looking for a little root bound so when i transplant it would be easy so i just need to give it some time.... i just didnt want my girls getting hurt bc of me lol