Roots coming out of the bottom of my pots?

Anybody no anything i can do i have just noticed that my roots are starting to come threw the bottom of my pots my pots are 20ltr ( 5 Gallon ) will this harm my plants? I have got clay pebbles in my trays so light doesnt get to the roots? Thanks


Well-Known Member
You'll be okay man. The ends of the roots might brown and die. But that's okay you have lots of roots in the soil.
That happens some times. IMO- I wouldn't worry much about it. Plants healthy? everything will be okay.

Good Luck on Your Grow
You'll be okay man. The ends of the roots might brown and die. But that's okay you have lots of roots in the soil.
That happens some times. IMO- I wouldn't worry much about it. Plants healthy? everything will be okay.

Good Luck on Your Grow
Ok mate thanks yes the plants look healthy there all green no yellowing or anything the roots are still white for now


Well-Known Member
just make sure that the bottoms of the pot dryup to prevent rootrot outside the pot

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The roots are running outside the pot because you have water/ferts in the catch tray below it.
Dump or suck out the liquids in the catch tray.