Roots coming out of drainage holes while +REP


Well-Known Member
I transplanted my plants last week to bigger 3 gallon pots, and today I saw that some roots are coming out of the drainage holes. I do not want to re-pot again because I almost killed of the plants. Will this cause the plant to die? There are only a few coming out, but not on all the plants. They are still growing and are flowering beautifully. I also do not want to stress them out anymore by re potting.

Any help appreciated...thanks.

BTW, using a 400hps, white widow. More info about my setup on my journal listed in my signature. Thanks.

EDIT: Posted it in the wrong sections can you mods delete this post?


Well-Known Member
What about setting another pot full of soil below them and let them grow into there as well.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
What about setting another pot full of soil below them and let them grow into there as well.
thats a good idea, would even be better if the bottom was cut off.

if its only a couple of roots you can just trim them off close to the pot.
they actually make pots that have cutting edges at the holes so that the roots dont grow out they get cut off before they can.


Well-Known Member
The roots will air prune, you should be weary of becoming root bound if your plant is already wanting more space. Think about it, your plant's life is determined by the roots so try to keep them happy.

Air pruning the roots is natural and not harmful to the plant as long as the plant has more medium left for root growth.


Well-Known Member
Just rip out the bottom of the pot and stick er somewhere :D They are very resiliant plants!


Active Member
The roots will air prune, you should be weary of becoming root bound if your plant is already wanting more space. Think about it, your plant's life is determined by the roots so try to keep them happy.

Air pruning the roots is natural and not harmful to the plant as long as the plant has more medium left for root growth.
i agree. you would be suprised how much stress a plant can take before it is damaged. i have a dwc, and when i transplant, or check the roots, or clean my water, some roots are off the plants. plants still thriving. just make sure you have a big enough pot otherwise they'll stop growing:joint:


Well-Known Member
i'll give ya some advice i learned from being hired to do it......
i wuz only doing what they wanted done and it worked!
so say as you wish to all but here it is....
it's also used in greenhouses for everything everyware....

i got hired to help unclog a big ass hydro bucket system years ago (in a warehouse).....
what they wanted us to do wuz one person lift the inside bucket up a few feet.....
the second person took a macheti and cut away all the roots flush to the bottom of the first bucket....


but i will say, i got hired to do few more things with that crop and harvest it too....
it did nothing but stimulate the roots! especially in veg stage!

say what you want but i will also tell ya what the greenhouses all over the world do with ANY kinda plant they use.....

when transplanting to a different pot or medieum, ALWAYS score the roots on the bottom and side with a blade to stimulate new root growth!.....


because the plant eats thro it roots, so when it's feeder lines are cut and stressed it sends new roots out elseware to get it's food!

dooh.....what have we been led to believe!? simple, only do it once and it will encourage new growth...... do it more and it won't be happy...AT ALL........

SO..... Thats my personal knowledge from working in greenhouses and growin green.... and i personally do it too, and it works fine....

you must respect those white roots but don't fear them, you can manipulate them too!