Roots coming out of bottom of 5 gal bucket, What to do?


Active Member
I have my plants in a 5 gallon bucket and i drilled a bunch of holes on the bottom and they are sitting in a tray to catch the water that comes out of the bottom, but roots have started to grow into the bottom and into the water, what should i do? Should i cut of them off? or just leave them there? I can't transplant them into anything bigger than a 5 gallon bucket.


Well-Known Member
they should be fine

i bet a 5 gallon bucket full of roots drinks alot of water, eh?

how much and how often do you water it? lol


Active Member
about every 24-48 hrs. Im wondering how often i should feed them in flower cycle, theyre about 4 feet tall and on day 1 of flower, wish me luck! I was thinking once a week? 1000ppm or so? upping it 100-150ppm every week until flush?

Mr Bomb

Active Member
If roots are growing out of the bottom of the pot you need to water less often so the roots will begin to surface in search of water.


Active Member
maybe i put too many holes in it then, it gets really dry and the bucket becomes light and te leaves begin to droop, looking underwatered
Hi guys,
This is my 1st grow, my plants about 2feet tall and it's in a 5litre pot, it's outdoor and has 1 hole in the bottom about the size of a 10pence coin, I checked the hole and noticed a few roots trying to get out, I don't sit it on a tray it's just on a slab.
Is this ok? Should I take any action?
Also I watered it yesterday morning and it hasn't rained and when I moved the pot I noticed a damp patch on the slab, should I water it less? I do it every 2 days.

Thanks for any tips,


Well-Known Member
do you mean 2 gallon? 2 litre is far to small for outside grow! you want atleast 3 gallon and even thats pushing it for outside.