roots are showing

So I realized today that the roots on 2 of my plants are showing. I put some soil over the top. I just started giving them a really small amount of nutrients. Could it be that I over watered those plants or they weren't getting enough light


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I also have the roots showing on 6 of my plants
but they're cuttings in rooting sponges - so it's a good thing.

"Get your roots out, motherfuckers!"
Hello like northofengland said hard to know without any pics usually when mine do that I repot them if they aren't flowering if they are in flower I find transplanting doesn't do them any good unless they are that rootbound you can literally just plonk em into a bigger pot without disturbing any roots also I usually throw a bit of sugar cane mulch around the plant wether in the ground or in a pot it helps regulate root temps and if they get a bit above soil which generally i see some roots come to the top it protects them to a degree I hope that helps you some :)


You should put them in wet tissue, toilet paper etc, place it in dark place for few days (Temp 5-30C OK) before embedding them in a pot.
I always wait the root grow nearly 15-20mm before embedding them in pot.

I'm newbie but the above method works well.
thats a good method too jjmasami but i think he meant that a few roots have started growing above the soil without seeing the plants make it hard to diagnose but if that happens its not really a big deal just that the rootstock would be prone to dry out quicker but if not in soil at all id go your way but usually a bit of mulch even on your pots if in soil works wonders especially where i live cause it is so dry and hot for quite a few mths