Rooting troubles


Active Member
Hey guys, need some advice here before it's too late pls.

So I currently do not have a rooted plant in veg.
I have 3 cuttings that are trying to root, all look super healthy but its getting to be 30 days for one, and 18 days another and no real definitive sign of growth. I took one last cutting a few days ago from a 9 day flowering plant using my normal method of cloning (as a last resort).

-Basically I was trying a new suggested cloning method that someone swears by, which turned out to be a really bad idea for me. (the new method I was trying is where you basically just stick the cutting in the dirt of a watered pot and make sure 3/4 of the stem is underground so that osmosis happens. I thought it was going great, as there was no wilt or anything, no discoloration... but still no roots.. not that I could see them though)

-Usually I get 100% success with roots comin out at 14 days or (much) less with my method, but was interested in this. (my old method is great, take cuttings, put in peat pellets, put in homemade dome, turn air pump on which connects to an air stone in a glass of water releasing humidity)

So I'm worried that none will root and then I no longer have the strain.

Probably just over reacting.. but heres some options i thought of
-I have two of this plant currently flowering, one is only 11 days... It does have little buds already shooting out. I could take this out of the tent and put in 24 hour lighting untill I root another of the plant.
-I could ride it out and hope one of them roots, even if its the slightly flowr
-I could dig up the 2 clones that are sitting in pots and transfer them to peat pellets in the humidity dome.. but that might cause some heavy stress? maybe not..

Any suggestions?

How bad would the stress be if I dug up the 2 clones and re-dipped in root hormone and put them in peat



Well-Known Member
If they still look alive, I would continue as they are going. My current grow took like twenty days to root (not as bad as yours), but as harvest approaches, I have scant complaint.

I won't try cloning them again, though.

When I didn't see any roots (mine were in rockwool cubes) I admit I "pulled and peeked", but then I read that doing that might wreck the root hairs if they HAD rooted. So, I just kept them hydrated as long as they looked alive. Then, at about three weeks, I saw roots out the bottom of the cubes.

As for the one that's flowering, I'll leave that to anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to put a clear plastic cup over the ones in soil and mist it every day to allow the leaves to hydrate? I have never tried taking a cutting from a plant in flower but I'm sure people have done it many times. As for stressing the donor a few shouldn't hurt to much IMO.


Well-Known Member
...high man, first, you can take a few more cuts off your flowering plants, i commonly take cuts after the stretch, usually not past 3 weeks in, you CAN take them later than that but the failure rates go up considerably.

i expect too that if they haven't rooted by 30 days they won't so i'd probably leave them until they were obviously dead but i'd also not expect anything from them.

...and here is a VERY simple cloning method that is easy to learn and very effective, 90% success rates should be common.

World class cloner new at walmart

and a couple pics to show what you might expect.

...this is one of the easiest ways to clone there is, simple and effective.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
You need moisture, heat, light and oxygen at the roots, those in the green you should get roots in 14 days or less. I've had roots show as early as 9 days.
I personally use a rainforest, and a ezcloner72, each with an airstone and a heater.
What I missed from my transition from rockwool cubes and a dome to these was temperature. I was perplexed. Then I through an aquarium heater in the mix and voa-la. Roots like motherfuckers.
I find it extremely important to keep oxygen at the root site when cloning.
I would abandon this new technique and go with what works. Play around when you can afford too. e.g. (vegging plants to spare as guinea pigs)
HOpe this helps some. good luck


Well-Known Member
I figured my trouble must have been temps, as I took three clones, and three more a week later, but they all showed roots the same time, just when temps were going up in the Spring.


Active Member
thanks much everyone

bozo, im going with your idea to take a few more cuttings just in case =D. That wallmart cloner looks pretty nice, but a little overkill for my lil grow hah.
So.. going back to what I know works until I have some roots.

Since these are from a 11 day flowering plant, what extra step is there in the cloning process?
Will the flowers automatically recede and veg starts again? Does this take a extra week or 2?


Well-Known Member
thanks much everyone

bozo, im going with your idea to take a few more cuttings just in case =D. That wallmart cloner looks pretty nice, but a little overkill for my lil grow hah.
So.. going back to what I know works until I have some roots.

Since these are from a 11 day flowering plant, what extra step is there in the cloning process?
Will the flowers automatically recede and veg starts again? Does this take a extra week or 2? man, they should respond just as you're used to.

...btw, what i did with my Walmart cloner was to cut it into 3 pieces which each hold 9 cuts, ...there was a time when i needed MANY clones so being able to fit 27 in a shoebox was a big plus but now i only flower 8 at a time so i need almost no clones, ...i'm actually trying to reveg enough to run a cycle with just revegged plants, just to see how they do.'s a shot of a box i built to house my cloners and to run seedlings (that's what's in this picture but i'm sure you can see that 3 cloners fit just fine too) i said, there was a time when i needed a LOT of clones, lol. can also clone in small cups of coco with good results but as with any new technique you learn, there is a learning curve,'s the rootmass of a clone 3 weeks from cutting that i'm up-potting into a 2liter Coke-bottle coco hempy bucket and that's a 9oz cup that it was rooted in.

...there's lots of ways to skin this cat bro but i always recommend that Walmart cloner to those new to cloning because it's easy as shit to run and once you master that method all the others will come easy to you. if and when the day comes when you just can't get anything to root, remember the Walmart cloner.

peace, bozo


Active Member
so how exactly do you use the wallmart cloner?

Put soil in, water, take cuttings, apply root hormone, place in hole
what am i missing that makes this really easy?



Well-Known Member
so how exactly do you use the wallmart cloner?

Put soil in, water, take cuttings, apply root hormone, place in hole
what am i missing that makes this really easy?

thx, i provided a link to a long and still active thread on the technique that will answer ALL questions you may have.

...the link is in my first post in this thread.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
So how do you get the plant out of the tubes? Does it not rip apart the tap root when you take that blue thing off? Sorry If I'm missing something :confused:.