rooting clones


just aquired 2 new cuttings that my mate could not get to root,do i stand the jiffys in quarter strength solution or just spraqy them twice a day with ph'd water?
just aquired 2 new cuttings that my mate could not get to root,do i stand the jiffys in quarter strength solution or just spraqy them twice a day with ph'd water?
you dont want any nutes until a few weeks after the roots have begun. try an aero of bubble cloner if they arent dead they can still root. hopefully they werent cut with sissors and not a razor, this can cause a smal air bubble in the stem preventing proper water intake and can stop root growth. also you may want to try a rootinh hormone, this can help. good luck with your clones sir!


cheers, theyve now been in my propagator for 9 days and are still alive but no sign of any roots.i took them out of the jiffys an re cut and dipped in rooting gel, then put them in rock rool but i put quarter strength nutes on the cubes and spray them twice a day with ph d water,any sugestions?