We use a dome and tray with cheapo peat pellets soaked in a mix of purified water, Rapid Start and clonex....
They are rooted in a week....
Keep it warm enough so the dome is always fogged-up and air it out 1-2x a day buy just lifting the lid and putting it back...
we just use 1 100w CFL in a clamp light over the dome...
Have an EZ cloner- up for grabs will NEVER use it again..
Worked great 1st 6-7x... then everything rots or doesn't root etc...
the pump overheats- but the smaller pump isn't powerful enough..
plus- if planting in soil- you have to do it before the roots get very big or they become "water roots" without the nessesary hairs for soil... so once in soil- they have a longer recovery time (IMO) than peat pellets (or rapid rooters etc) In root cubes etc.. you see the tips of the roots out the side, then they are already 1-2" long and ready to roll!
100% success rate every time.... not the only way, am sure someone will say it's not the right way either-- but it's how we do it and it works for us...