Root separation when transplanting?


Active Member
Just looking for some opinions on how you guys transplant. I have always just plopped the plant into a larger pot and filled in the soil. With other plants however people break up the roots and spread them out and shake as much soil off of them before transplanting. What do you guys normally do?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Depending on how long they have been in a given container I typically break the root-mass apart. If the roots are already hitting the side of the container and growing in a circular pattern I take a knife and slice the root-mass in a "+" pattern about 1" deep, then spread it out. I mound the soil up in a "volcano" in the new container and place the spread out roots on top covering the remaining exposed roots to the base of the plant. Water throuroughly to eliminate any air pockets and voila..that's pretty much it. I've yet to see any transplant shock or slowing of growth with this method


Misguided Angel
The more you handle or damage the roots the more chance of shocking the poor thing. If the roots are already touching the sides of the pot I will usually use a knife and scrape along the inside of the pot to make it easier to remove. When I transplant I fill soil in the new pot around the size of the old container, that way the hole is the perfect size for the root mass, then just backfill over and water a shitload! Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I have done this and both ways work but nowadays I just plant the root ball pulling the bottom roots loose only, the roots have never grew up out the soil on me, the plants keep right on growing, and the rootzone seems to have straighten everything out on it's own when I dump my pots in the recycling totes.


I just wet soil in the plant and the transfer pot. I wait for about 5 min. so the soil can drain and kinda stick togeather. Then before I take it out, I add a little dry soil to the sides to make them hold stronger. I turn the plant over and tap the sides and bottom a couple of times. When it slides out, it still have the old pot shape so ican see how the roots are growing. I just put it in the new one and fill the sides. then I soak it with water that I purified ( boiled and let sit for 24 hours). Its easy and it works.


Active Member
Awesome info. I am going to try a new method when I transplant and switch to flower this weekend.