Root Rot? or Nutrient Deficiency


New Member
Hi all, first time grower here. I have been struggling with maintaining the temp and humidity in my grow tent and because of that i think i have root rot. See pics. - I use aquashield i put 4 tsp in a 3 gal dwc system 2 days ago. i've searched for answers on this and am pretty sure its rot. please advise. The yellow spreading spots happened yesterday i think, maybe day before. the spots were on the bottom 2 leaves closest to base of plant. I pruned them off they were dry and then the spots showed up on either side of the fan leaves, again any help is appreciated. also, i sprayed leaves today with 5:1 of water/aquashield and added 2 more tsp of aquashield to reservoir to try to stop the spreading.
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Well-Known Member
Your roots look pretty white, are they slimy? If so, root rot likely. If not, what ph and ppm are you running?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You really didn't need to prune off those leaves yet. They were still working.
You do not have root rot. They won't last a day with out the plant drooping like it's not getting water if they had root rot.

Bugeye is right, what pH?
What kind of water are you using?
What if any additive's are you using?


New Member
ph is 5.8 and ppm was 982 this morning. i just added more aquashield (1 tsp) this morning and did a foliar spray with 5:1 water and aquashield. the leaves look better but some of the yellow burnt some small holes in the leaves, very small. It might be lights cause i have claw on some. Like i said keeping a stable humidity is near impossible without a controller. I'm using timers. running 40% humidity and 77-82 F. the humidity fluctuates alot. Water was around 1/2 - 3/4 gal low since overnight (3 gal res.), so i added ph'd tap water and more nutes, moving closer to the schedule on the back of the Gen Hydro 3 part flora system. Floramicro = 1 1/4 tsp. per gal / Floragro = 1 1/2 tsp. per gal. / Florabloom = 1 tsp per gal. I'm waiting for the left over nutes to dissolve before i take an accurate TDS reading again. I have yet to transition to flowering stage this is still veg, should i move to 12/12 schedule tonight or wait ya think?

Thank you for your responses I really appreciate them.


New Member
oh, i was usoing strait filtered tap water (one of those clip on tap filters for drinking water) but i thought she might be calcium deficient, so i gave her a 1/2 - 3/4 gal of straight tap to see if it would help her.


Well-Known Member
The point is have lost valuable roots, which is gonna delay any maturity or harvest date, foilar feed your plants until you get some roots back, quarter a teaspoon to a pint sprayer fill with warm water and spray 2 x times a day, avoid spraying Aquasheild on your plants just use it on your roots, once you have clearly defined the fungal infection Pythium! often indicated by browning smelly roots, keep an extra fan in there ..


Well-Known Member
I dont think aqua sheilds a foliar spray but i might be wrong???? That might be what gave you the leaf spots, or it might be the fact that your running a plant that looks like its about 7" tall at 1000 ppm.....that might be your problem too. I also dont know why your rez looks brown. Probably to many nutes. Id back your ppm down to 450 and see if you cant get them to unstress for a couple weeks at least before flippin the bud switch. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Okay, here is something you have to know about growing mj that is very important. Some strains can take a heavy nutrient load, some need very little. This makes most nutrient charts damn near useless. Any time you go over the line on what a particular strain can handle, you will have problems. Your leaves have the look of just a little too much nitrogen. I would drain the system and go at 1/2 your current ppm levels and see how she does. After a week or two you can start to bring your levels higher again, but best to let the plant tell you it needs more before force feeding it.


Well-Known Member
Just looked at the roots and they look fine. I dont see slime or browning. Its nute burn. Dont run 9-1200 until your plant is four feet tall or more. Nute burn, problem solved. Oh and grab some cal mag for hydro if your using distilled water. Even if your not get some anyway.


Well-Known Member
Look at the tips of your roots for root rot, the tips will be black.
You've been cleaning your system with H2O2 solution every nutrient change?
The cleaner the better.
Nutrient Solution temperature is in Range?

IMO- dump the res., clean the system. add nutrients for what ever week your in. Start using Cal/Mag.
Keep the pH in Range, Solution Temp, and PPM.
If you can do those 3 things you shouldn't have any problems.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


New Member
ok, good, i wasnt sure about the nutes, thats why the res is so reddish, and yeah im in the 1000 ppm range. she doesnt have burn on her outter edges of her leaves, but i will change the res water and back off nutes to say 1/2 tsp per gal of each flora nutes? now she is an indica, Barney's pineapple chunk, shes supposed to be strong, im worried about how cramped she is and how big her leaves are, will she thin out as she buds? also what height do you think i should go to bud on? 10 in? thanks for all the replys guys. i've been teaching myself and it's good to get feedback from growers. :)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ok then. Nice complete replies!
#1: pH is perfect
#2: Humidity is OK.
#3: The problem appears to be need for a Cal/Mag!
#4: If that's air temp, you may want to try and get that down a bit. Around 70F is prime. More air moving through the tent may help that! Fan on light may help too. If that's res temp you NEED to lower that to as close to 70F as you can get>

Run your nutes at the makers suggested amounts, add all of what your using together, include the new cal/mag supplement and the aqua. for 1 gallon of mix, Adjust the pH and shake it up and take a PPM reading. this is your "running" PPM ratio. you may need to adjust that down by as much as 30% till their older.
HINT: As the feed solution goes down, refill res. to your top off point with 30% solution of nutrient. (mix up a full strength gallon and add 2 more gallons of straight water to get your 30% solution). When you have reached the point of adding back the TOTAL amount of solution that the tank will hold , dump and refill with 100% solution! repeat.

When to flip? That depends on how tall you want to have your finished plant be.

You don't exactly know whats in your "tap" water. So adding in unfiltered tap water is not a solution to a Cal/Mag def.

In hydro any adjustment to an over/under feeding problem will take 3+ days to show the correction. N def. will show reversal of "yellowing" leaves starting at the top and going down as days go by. Any over feeding correction will only show in the new growth as healthy "green" new growth!
NICE looking plants!
Good luck and keep us up to date!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Indica's are far more feeding tolerant then sativa's or cross's.
Again, How tall do you want the finished plant to be?
Don't worry about pruning back any leaves until flower. Then you will, so the buds can get light on them.

Topfuel is correct!


Well-Known Member
Ok then. Nice complete replies!
#1: pH is perfect
#2: Humidity is OK.
#3: The problem appears to be need for a Cal/Mag!
#4: If that's air temp, you may want to try and get that down a bit. Around 70F is prime. More air moving through the tent may help that! Fan on light may help too. If that's res temp you NEED to lower that to as close to 70F as you can get>

Run your nutes at the makers suggested amounts, add all of what your using together, include the new cal/mag supplement and the aqua. for 1 gallon of mix, Adjust the pH and shake it up and take a PPM reading. this is your "running" PPM ratio. you may need to adjust that down by as much as 30% till their older.
HINT: As the feed solution goes down, refill res. to your top off point with 30% solution of nutrient. (mix up a full strength gallon and add 2 more gallons of straight water to get your 30% solution). When you have reached the point of adding back the TOTAL amount of solution that the tank will hold , dump and refill with 100% solution! repeat.

When to flip? That depends on how tall you want to have your finished plant be.

You don't exactly know whats in your "tap" water. So adding in unfiltered tap water is not a solution to a Cal/Mag def.

In hydro any adjustment to an over/under feeding problem will take 3+ days to show the correction. N def. will show reversal of "yellowing" leaves starting at the top and going down as days go by. Any over feeding correction will only show in the new growth as healthy "green" new growth!
NICE looking plants!
Good luck and keep us up to date!
the best ambient temp is not 70degrees F. Do not run the nutrients at the makers suggested amounts on your tiny plants because your burning them. And the solution is not cal mag, you need some but thats not whats causing this. When it comes to adding nutes just take ppm of rez, and fill your container with the amount of water you need to add and use your brain to figure out what you need the water going in to be at so theyll average out to what you want. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Indica's are far more feeding tolerant then sativa's or cross's.
Again, How tall do you want the finished plant to be?
Don't worry about pruning back any leaves until flower. Then you will, so the buds can get light on them.

Topfuel is correct!
Dont cut back your leaves. Train your plant with the help of a screen or a net. The only thing this guys right about is saying that top fuels right, cause he is.


New Member
Indica's are far more feeding tolerant then sativa's or cross's.
Again, How tall do you want the finished plant to be?
Don't worry about pruning back any leaves until flower. Then you will, so the buds can get light on them.

Topfuel is correct!
well my tent is 36x20x62 i am growing only one plant, and i want her to be kinda tall, but the barney's site says they get to 2 - 2.5 ft, and shes indica so shell get fat. supposed to be a good producer, high in THC (25%) and CBD (2%) i think. also this is my first grow so its supposed to be easy on beginners. with the help of you guys hopefully i'll have something great for my first run.