Root Rot in Rockwool. Help


Active Member
This is my first post here.
Fairly experienced grower getting hit hard by root rot.

Started with warm water. Bought a chiller, and hydrogen peroxide(35%). No clear instructions on how to apply it. Very frustrating having to trust that to anonymous people on chat boards(damn you Mad Farmer Co.). Now I have Aquashield, Rootshield, and sm-90. This crap began around when I introduced Orca benes(liquid version of Great White). So that and great white seem to be a joke for this particular case.

I have complicated things more so by using grodan cube-lettes in place of hydroton. Everything is way too wet, and it adds insult to injury, the way the 2 gallon buckets hold a pool of stagnant water. The rock wool holds way too much water for too long. I have done this before, years ago; but, I forgot the horrid results. I think I remember it clearing up with Hydroguard, which Im told is same as aqua shield.

I have put air lines into the bottoms of the most severe plants to hopefully aerate the stagnant water in the individual cells and adjoining tubing. Hope this helps.

Please note your tools of success in this, and be detailed.:peace:

If you have had success with this please help.


Active Member

    • photo-6.jpg
    Oh also:
    Growing indoor.
    Watering schedule: from once a day, to twice(bad), to once every 2-3 days.
    Growing Medium:Grodan (bulk tiny cubes).
    What stage of growth: varying stages of flowering.

    At this point the plant was left over night, after a bath in h2o2 water. It was more pained, than it was yesterday. It has since been harvested/killed. Roots were brown and stringy.

    If you are using rock wool in an ebb & gro bucket system, be careful. Over watering is easy, since it holds an inch of stagnant water in the bottom of its bucket. Things will be ok but can go south as soon as the roots stretch to the stagnant water. To hopefully solve this, I have installed some air lines to the stagnant water, AND am applying beneficial bacteria(aquashield & root shield) as well as sm-90.​



Active Member
2? How often?
I just used up my sample bottle, a week ago. Was told to run it higher than the bottle suggested.


Active Member
Never use higher the. 3ML... Per gal of water... I had bad root rot and I did strong h202 of 35% I had a 20 gal res so I did 200 ML of h202 for 3 days then added 3ML of zone for 3 days then flushed the res and did 2 ML per gal for the entire duration of the cycle.

I use zone from start to finish if you use it, it prevent root rot, if you have it, you gotta kill the bad shit on roots that's why I did h202 and after 2 days the effect dies off and is just oxygen in water that's why I added strong dose of zone for 3 days then flushed and went with a preventive and within 2 weeks roots will be back to normal.