root issues foxfarm trio & h202???


ive posted this in marijuana problem section l but i believe it is appropriate here as well.
hello guys i am new to riu and growing . i have 2 critical & 1 amnesia 3 weeks old & i am having issues with my roots.
My set up
3 plants --each in own 5 gal bucket
2 $10 walmart air pump (it says 60 gallon pump)
& 200 watts hps


feeding only fox farm grow big hydroponic at the moment 5ml/gal
but i have the big bloom and tiger bloom

1 week after roots hit water they turned brown and res looked filthy. so i gave them a bath in 3% h202. and added about 20ml h202 in 3 gallon res. evereything seemed fine for a few days then within a blink of an eye it came i dont kno if its root rot or brown slime or wtf to call it . but it comes back so i give the roots another bath in h202 water and rewash and renew the res with nutes and h202.i dont have any light leaks for sure. idk why it keep`s coming back. i am keeping evereything clean. i feel like my plants are getting stunted going threw baths and several res changes.
i want to run a sterile res .i think.
some one shed some light .help me please .
thank you greatly


Well-Known Member
ive posted this in marijuana problem section l but i believe it is appropriate here as well.
hello guys i am new to riu and growing . i have 2 critical & 1 amnesia 3 weeks old & i am having issues with my roots.
My set up
plants --each in own 5 gal bucket
2 $10 walmart air pump (it says 60 gallon pump)
& 200 watts hps
feeding only fox farm grow big hydroponic at the moment 5ml/gal
but i have the big bloom and tiger bloom

1 week after roots hit water they turned brown and res looked filthy. so i gave them a bath in 3% h202. and added about 20ml h202 in 3 gallon res. evereything seemed fine for a few days then within a blink of an eye it came i dont kno if its root rot or brown slime or wtf to call it . but it comes back so i give the roots another bath in h202 water and rewash and renew the res with nutes and h202.i dont have any light leaks for sure. idk why it keep`s coming back. i am keeping evereything clean. i feel like my plants are getting stunted going threw baths and several res changes.
i want to run a sterile res .i think.
some one shed some light .help me please .
thank you greatly
just a thought i can't run sterile res
I've tried lots of products also real easy to follow feed chart with this line up low ppm's ph is good without having to adjust can run at higher temps
good luck and
Welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
ive posted this in marijuana problem section l but i believe it is appropriate here as well.
hello guys i am new to riu and growing . i have 2 critical & 1 amnesia 3 weeks old & i am having issues with my roots.
My set up
plants --each in own 5 gal bucket
2 $10 walmart air pump (it says 60 gallon pump)
& 200 watts hps
feeding only fox farm grow big hydroponic at the moment 5ml/gal
but i have the big bloom and tiger bloom

1 week after roots hit water they turned brown and res looked filthy. so i gave them a bath in 3% h202. and added about 20ml h202 in 3 gallon res. evereything seemed fine for a few days then within a blink of an eye it came i dont kno if its root rot or brown slime or wtf to call it . but it comes back so i give the roots another bath in h202 water and rewash and renew the res with nutes and h202.i dont have any light leaks for sure. idk why it keep`s coming back. i am keeping evereything clean. i feel like my plants are getting stunted going threw baths and several res changes.
i want to run a sterile res .i think.
some one shed some light .help me please .
thank you greatly
Stuff em in dirt and hope for the best. Something in your micro climate is failing your method.


Well-Known Member
ive posted this in marijuana problem section l but i believe it is appropriate here as well.
hello guys i am new to riu and growing . i have 2 critical & 1 amnesia 3 weeks old & i am having issues with my roots.
My set up
plants --each in own 5 gal bucket
2 $10 walmart air pump (it says 60 gallon pump)
& 200 watts hps
feeding only fox farm grow big hydroponic at the moment 5ml/gal
but i have the big bloom and tiger bloom

1 week after roots hit water they turned brown and res looked filthy. so i gave them a bath in 3% h202. and added about 20ml h202 in 3 gallon res. evereything seemed fine for a few days then within a blink of an eye it came i dont kno if its root rot or brown slime or wtf to call it . but it comes back so i give the roots another bath in h202 water and rewash and renew the res with nutes and h202.i dont have any light leaks for sure. idk why it keep`s coming back. i am keeping evereything clean. i feel like my plants are getting stunted going threw baths and several res changes.
i want to run a sterile res .i think.
some one shed some light .help me please .
thank you greatly
Root rot (pythium) keeps coming back because h202 evaporates quickly in a dwc system and your water temps are too high. I have not seen much/any real grows that can run a sterile system with water temps above 70. I'm sure they exist perhaps, but I personally have not seen any. As long as your water temps are higher, it will always proliferate bad bacteria. My only suggestions would be to add h202 ever other day or so, or use bleach, or use a ewc tea or get a chiller/build one to keep your water temps low. (mid 60's). Otherwise it's a constant battle.


Root rot (pythium) keeps coming back because h202 evaporates quickly in a dwc system and your water temps are too high. I have not seen much/any real grows that can run a sterile system with water temps above 70. I'm sure they exist perhaps, but I personally have not seen any. As long as your water temps are higher, it will always proliferate bad bacteria. My only suggestions would be to add h202 ever other day or so, or use bleach, or use a ewc tea or get a chiller/build one to keep your water temps low. (mid 60's). Otherwise it's a constant battle.
thank you ..for now im going to just add 10-15ml in the res and then extra teaspoon of h202 a day until i get my hands on some hydrogaurd botanicare. ive read lots of reviews on hydrogaurd and i think im gonna fuck the sterile res and do the microbial life thingy . lol


Well-Known Member
hydroguard sucks. been there, done that.

any grow shops nearby that stock dutchmaster zone? it's basically chlorine and copper. use it at max strength (12mL per 5 gal) and i bet you clear up what you got going on. i would make sure you really soak the whole root area with it. root rot will hide in all the nooks and crannies and will come right back if you don't kill all of it.


hydroguard sucks. been there, done that.

any grow shops nearby that stock dutchmaster zone? it's basically chlorine and copper. use it at max strength (12mL per 5 gal) and i bet you clear up what you got going on. i would make sure you really soak the whole root area with it. root rot will hide in all the nooks and crannies and will come right back if you don't kill all of it.
realy , hydroguard sucks?? honestly your the first person i heard say that. i wanted dutchmasterzone cuz it was cheaper but it says it dosnt allow bennefical microbes . it will kill all organic matter unlike hydrogaurd. i am running foxfarms sooo.. i think hydrogaurd


Well-Known Member
are you dead set on foxfarms? why? if it's organic, it shouldn't be used in dwc anyway in my opinion. organics and dwc dont play nice together.

i tried a few grows with hydroguard. just didn't work for me. especially when you get root rot almost when they are done and mess up a really good harvest. switched over to Zone and never looked back. if you really want to do DWC properly, you'll need to invest in a chiller eventually. not only will it help prevent root rot, but your plants will grow faster and healthier if the root zone is the proper temps.


Well-Known Member
hydroguard sucks. been there, done that.

any grow shops nearby that stock dutchmaster zone? it's basically chlorine and copper. use it at max strength (12mL per 5 gal) and i bet you clear up what you got going on. i would make sure you really soak the whole root area with it. root rot will hide in all the nooks and crannies and will come right back if you don't kill all of it.
I actually had the opposite results than you did. I started out with zone, worked great while roots were still in the pot, but not after they touched water. I sterilized the system with h202, changed out the water and added hydroguard. It' weird how one thing works for one person even when systems are similar. I still use zone for my clones and even add some in for my soil grow. Works great.


Well-Known Member
I actually had the opposite results than you did. I started out with zone, worked great while roots were still in the pot, but not after they touched water. I sterilized the system with h202, changed out the water and added hydroguard. It' weird how one thing works for one person even when systems are similar.
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you do rdwc right? do you use a chiller? what nutes?


I actually had the opposite results than you did. I started out with zone, worked great while roots were still in the pot, but not after they touched water. I sterilized the system with h202, changed out the water and added hydroguard. It' weird how one thing works for one person even when systems are similar. I still use zone for my clones and even add some in for my soil grow. Works great.
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was the hydrogaurd all you were using?? do i need to add some tea along with the hydrogaurd or is the hydrogaurd all you need?


are you dead set on foxfarms? why? if it's organic, it shouldn't be used in dwc anyway in my opinion. organics and dwc dont play nice together.

i tried a few grows with hydroguard. just didn't work for me. especially when you get root rot almost when they are done and mess up a really good harvest. switched over to Zone and never looked back. if you really want to do DWC properly, you'll need to is whanvest in a chiller eventually. not only will it help prevent root rot, but your plants will grow faster and healthier if the root zone is the proper temps.
i am doing fox farm because that is what i have already.this is my first dwc next one i will do things a little smarter.ive been spending alot of money and dont want to get a new set of nutes. + it seems like alot of people having success with the organic thing.


i just checked my roots. they look nice right now. i added about 5ml of h202 in each bucket and frozen bottle of water. i got a thermometer and the temps in the res is under 70.
i have the hps on for 13-15 hours and then when i go to sleep i close the closet door and use cfls so the temps stay cool.
so during the day i will be replacing frozen water bottles to keep temps in the bucket down.i ordered a quart of hydroguard & it will be a few days before it gets here so hopefully the h202 will keep the res clean till then.
should i also get foxfarm kangaroots with the hydroguard?or some kind of microbrew for roots or is the hydroguard enough?


Well-Known Member
kangaroots is organic just use hydroguard see if works
organic and dwc don't mix well

can't mix hydroguard with a tea if you went that way
in dwc every thing has to be correct or you get root rot ( setup, nutrients )


okay i see. evereything is very contradicting in theese forums .im soo confused.
hydrogaurd from botanicare states that -
" Upon application, the highly concentrated and pure culture of bacillus bacteria contained in Hydro guard rapidly colonize the rhizosphere. These specialized rhizobacteria, assist in the breakdown of organic materials, and increase nutrient availability"

i assumed that meant it works well with organic
so should i get rid of the tiger bloom and big bloom and use something else for flower like general hydroponics bloom???
is there something cheap and all in one for bloom you recommend as i am already using grow big for veg
maybe general hydroponics bloom?


Well-Known Member
i am doing fox farm because that is what i have already.this is my first dwc next one i will do things a little smarter.ive been spending alot of money and dont want to get a new set of nutes. + it seems like alot of people having success with the organic thing.

it may not seem like it, but this is the fun part of hydro. trying different things and seeing what works best for you. as an example, i'm at almost 9000 ft so what works for somebody at sea level, may or may not work for me.

unless you bought the 5 gallon buckets of nutes, don't be afraid to try different nutes.

i've been using the lucas formula since i started years ago. first with GH micro and bloom, then with GH flora nova bloom and now i'm trying the GH flora duo series (just A and B). simple, cheap and very effective. the only thing "bad" about lucas, is that you have to use either RO or distilled water for it to work as it was designed. no need to pH at all if proper water is used. and no need for cal/mag either.

another easy one to use is dyna gro foliage pro. i use it for veg. i use lucas formula for flower.


it may not seem like it, but this is the fun part of hydro. trying different things and seeing what works best for you. as an example, i'm at almost 9000 ft so what works for somebody at sea level, may or may not work for me.

unless you bought the 5 gallon buckets of nutes, don't be afraid to try different nutes.

i've been using the lucas formula since i started years ago. first with GH micro and bloom, then with GH flora nova bloom and now i'm trying the GH flora duo series (just A and B). simple, cheap and very effective. the only thing "bad" about lucas, is that you have to use either RO or distilled water for it to work as it was designed. no need to pH at all if proper water is used. and no need for cal/mag either.

another easy one to use is dyna gro foliage pro. i use it for veg. i use lucas formula for flower.
hey thanks for all your help,, i already ordered hydrogaurd and now i am about to place a order for gh flora bloom & cal/mag.
your right , im just realy having fun and trying to learn as much as i can with dwc. this is actually my second grow, first dwc. my first grow was in soil , 1 plant , i pulled over a qp dry blueberry og.



hey thanks for all your help,, i already ordered hydrogaurd and now i am about to place a order for gh flora bloom & cal/mag.
your right , im just realy having fun and trying to learn as much as i can with dwc. this is actually my second grow, first dwc. my first grow was in soil , 1 plant , i pulled over a qp dry blueberry og.
soil was too easy ---dwc is frkin hard-- i hope hard work pays off.


Well-Known Member
soil was too easy ---dwc is frkin hard-- i hope hard work pays off.
i started with dwc. guess i'm a glutton for punishment. lol.

once you get it dialed in, you'll never go back to soil. yields, speed of growth etc dwc is hands down better.

just keep after it! don't be afraid to try new things. and if the beneficial route isn't what you want to do, try the sterile res route. either way works. just depends on what works better for you.