Root development cloning discovery

I have read much on this subject and as I recall most state that the THC begins degrading after the tricomes turn amber. What are your thoughts on this as your sentiments above seem to refute this?
There information is extremely skewed from not understanding what this tree is and I'm being generous. What they call degrading THC, is simply a fruit tree trying to ripen through its stages and each stage gives a more healing chemical composition. Most scientist have never tested proper ripened bud. Most the bud they test is the same as 95% of all growers bud, meaning cut 9-12 weeks. THC is not even mature at this point except a few indica phenos that will ripen faster yes. When scientist test bud from growers that know how to properly ripen and grow true organics, they will see the true benefits of this fruit tree and how acidic early cut THC is the cause of the negative effects in cannabis being used. THC has benefits if actually truly ripe in thc ,however nothing like the cannabinoids. The negatives are not the trees fault. What negatives rev? I talk to people folks and here's your negatives, uh oh, for many...not all " paranoia,schizophrenia, introversion,immoral sex and or thoughts of it, pure damn laziness, a desire for conspiracy theories, criticizing to your spouse, thinking too much and holding the wrench while you watch the leak you need to fix ect.ect." not fooling me. Your giving it a bad name rev! Nope not at all. All these negatives are a result of early cutting and growing under HP's, not the trees fault everybody wants to eat the banana green and read junk studies and be impatient. Well rev, I hear it gets more stoney as the trees get red trichomes. Yes in these indica based hybrids it does and that's the indica doing it, not any sativa in the genetics as pure Sativa's done correctly will take you to the moon for 6-8 hours and make you never grow another hybrid. However no matter the genetics, most important is the ripening for the cannabinoids. As the chemicals change through each stage, the effects mentally also change and for the better. All the above terrible symptoms that so many feel from using this tree, can quickly be cured with simply more time under the light. Indica's heal the body and an indica fully ripe in cbd saved my life. However only Sativa's heal mind,body and spirit when done right. I'm sorry but captive seeds have been polluted so bad, that the experience of the sativa has been gone for most. Some of us are working to correct that and get some old school beans to folks soon as we can, that will set the mind free. I sure did not come back to lead astray or to be a guru. I want all men to be knowledgeable. However we must sometimes not hang on to the science, but to the experience, that others have applied and know work. Well that's what the guys writing the books say they have done rev? Listen to them I tell people. They speak soft, they have cool hair and hippie t shirts we all love. They have books to sell videos to put out and buddies to have luncheons with to discuss the same ole same ole with. Most are nice and just need to pay the bills and have the best intentions they can, right? I know nobody's heart, I just know some of us want to help and want nothing but to see people better and happy and healed. 80 years ago new info was coming to those who listened and the decoratator, and many other inventions and good insight was shut down. Now look at us. New info should not only be considered, but tested. I've had nobody yet come back and be mad at me that I've shared this with and them apply it. Truth always fits, always works, however rarely embraced. One love, rev.the natural.....
Does molasses in conjunction with synthetic liquid neuts in a soli grow?
Yes as far as supplying an extra boost of carbs and nutrients, however until you consider organics of some kind, you will not get a population of strong bacteria to break down some of the nutrients in the syrup. Molasses is pretty much an all in one fertilizer with just needing a bit more nitrogen. It is the pure sap from the cane. Think, the cane plant has some of the deepest roots in the world going 18 feet straight down. That makes pure cane highly nutritious and that root system pulls up many a minerals and silicas from deep in ground. Unsulphured molasses is pretty much liquid soil lol. How good is it? Clean up your diet and put a quarter cup of urine per gallon with two spoons of molasses and one spoon of sugar and your trees will thrive and be so potent you'll scream. That's it? Yup, make your friends have to smoke at home cause their afraid to smoke it at your house lol. One love, rev.thenatural
Yes as far as supplying an extra boost of carbs and nutrients, however until you consider organics of some kind, you will not get a population of strong bacteria to break down some of the nutrients in the syrup. Molasses is pretty much an all in one fertilizer with just needing a bit more nitrogen. It is the pure sap from the cane. Think, the cane plant has some of the deepest roots in the world going 18 feet straight down. That makes pure cane highly nutritious and that root system pulls up many a minerals and silicas from deep in ground. Unsulphured molasses is pretty much liquid soil lol. How good is it? Clean up your diet and put a quarter cup of urine per gallon with two spoons of molasses and one spoon of sugar and your trees will thrive and be so potent you'll scream. That's it? Yup, make your friends have to smoke at home cause their afraid to smoke it at your house lol. One love, rev.thenatural
Thanks for your great insight!
plant grow.gif
all plants are dif...they are done wen they are done..all amber trichs huh...hope u like sitting around confused and tired
That comes from the indica side of these hybrids everyone loves because they don't know better. You will not drag me in a debate so don't try as I will not respond. People can take the advice or not. If they want to heal and not just get high, they will listen. Simple as that. Does my research go against the grain of what most of you hang onto and retort back and forth to one another? Better believe it does and people who I have helped by the grace of god are alive because they listened. Fact brother. James Murphy, you have freewill like the rest of us. You don't have to listen or believe a word of anything I say. It's all just words on a screen from a nobody. Happy growing James Murphy. One love, rev.thenatural
ur a bit of a cannabis guru or sage of many books have u published..or wat magazines have u done editorials in. preach on brother..snds like u have read a few books....if u dont mind how long u been in the industry
along w ur piss diet instead of sugar try granulated works much better ..and maybe bat guano that has a insect diet for ur urea...piss isnt something ppl wanna smoke...bat shit is gross too...but ask if they want ur piss or guano in their meds...betcha its quano everytime
James, I'll share something with you. Back home in the volunteer and probably Alabama, there is some of the best knowledge about this tree in the world, outside of the natives who still grow it in the countries of origin and I'm talking the real natives. We don't have time to become sages and write books my brother, as we are to busy trying to take care of our families and heal with this tree, without being slung around by giant thug cops and put in cells with violent and mental handicapped inmates. Know what I mean? Now since acquiring a little knowledge of this tree through my higher powers guidance and being around old old time redneck cannabis growers, that allowed me to do something once I got cancer and diabetes and yes heart disease at 340 pounds. I started dying James. So what I did, is I locked myself up for years combining everything I studied in archaeology,geography,history,religion,ect.ect. and still found out that I knew nothing and could not find a way to heal my illnesses. The answer to every question was always there in front of me and it started with this tree. Pain, facing death and seeing were I was such a prick in life, allowed me to finally give in to some force that would not let me quit and humility had to come and then came many of those answers. All illnesses were healed and my questions in my other studies suddenly were being answered also, by simply following the true and well hidden history of this funny little tree. Trace it back to its origins is what god showed me. Through ancient writings...I did. I know exactly were it came from and soon so will the world. I know why we don't see it for what it is and therefore we don't grow it and understand it correctly, until we see and understand. Many lies James Murphy and the father woke up some of us slim balls to give us another chance and help others with the knowledge that is coming down for those who are listening. Sage, no my brother..worm, just a worm that's happy to be one. Do I have some very important things to share when time comes as it seems it has? Yes, but then so do many others. It is written: your teachers will suddenly appear from nowhere. They will be just men and women and children. No wings no halos..just truth. Thats why i am out west now. Not to be the next guy to take these kids money, but to teach them something in life that can help them and others. Wonderful that people out here do not have to live in as much fear as back home james and it allows more freedom to share knowledge with those love rev.thenatural
I think that was PCP or something you were smoking back in the 70s, not equatorial sativas.

Lab testing now offers breeders insight into strains we've never had before, much earlier in the process.

If you really think you have magic jungle beans, pop some and have them tested, science doesn't lie.
The books are wrong brother and they will soon be rewritten. I studied the books. I also studied: geography,evolution,space,archaeology, animal and plant husbandry and of course old texts that would make a mason drool. In the end, my understandings started sounding like many others understandings, of course with my own delusional add on's to boot as others did and do. I started realizing, the best science in all fields is the science presented by scientist who in most cases got barred from their professions with actually true info..oops. Sometimes, even silenced for good...believe it. The prohibition of this tree,combined with the misunderstanding in the truth of evolution and what actually causes it, has lead horticulturist, botanist and scientist to have a complete misunderstanding of this " fruit tree " that is devolved like all of us and everything else on earth right now. Seven years ago I found out I knew nothing. 340 pound piece of prideful work and a brute beast before my creator. Then he came, he taught and I chose to listen. To what rev? That god my logical left brain decided to convince me did not exhist. Soon I found myself finding answers and the unreal reality of what I use to support and so many others still do and will fight you and even kill for. The reality is: " nobody in positions of power give a damn about anybody moving forward in their quest for truth." They hide it in plain site. Cannabis is not of this earth, uh oh rev. Cannabis was brought here from another dying planet around 7500 years ago. Rev, their carbon dating says! Carbon dating is garbage...puke. When it was brought, it was planted in a greenhouse...eden. The man the world believes is god planted it their as a fruit tree. Hush rev, not yet! A healing tree that growed under the rays of our binary twin sun that is red. Every 3600 years the red sun comes through with its planets. When this happens, just as Bruce banner turned into the incredible hulk by being exposed to intense gamma and UV radiation. The red suns rays will have an intense amount of UV and gamma rays different from this sun and that with an increase in oxygen and co2, did, does and will change everything on earth on a cellular level and you and everything changes form and becomes gigantic, including us. Hush rev. Now that we and that tree are cursed/devolved the tree has to completely die to give the best healing effects. Think of a banana when I explain this and you'll get it. Cannabis has three main stages of ripening were it goes through chemical changes and each stage has better healing chemicals and yes the effects mentally change as well. First stage is thc and were most people cut and sadly most cut before its even ripe in THC. Now its not truly ripe in THC until all the leaves have fallen off and the buds harden and there's no longer much smell buy you get it back in cure. True THC ripening for an 80% sativa hybrid, under its own 1000 watt light will usually take 15-16 weeks and yes indica's will a bit faster. Now the banana is still green but at least at that point truly ripe in THC and becoming a healer. Now second stage ripening. Once you see the tree is ripe in first stage " green banana " you will think its done, but wait! Within a week or so, you will notice the tree will start to change color to a reddish/brown and the trichomes will start turning beautiful red or red/purple/pink. At that point cannabinoids are being produced and in a few weeks you will see the whole tree and the trichomes turn the same beautiful color and will have loads of healing cbd that is far cry better than acidic THC in the green banana phase as oils made from this stage of ripening destroyed my cancer and disease over night. Now third stage. Once again the tree within a week or two will start to go through a color change and chemical change again. The tree and the trichomes will start to turn gold...beautiful unreal gold and once the tree turns completely gold, your banana is ripe and your producing CBN/cbg Harvest 50% red and 50% gold trichomes and you make meds that destroy disease and a sativa at this stage will allow your mind to expand and understand. HP's and chemical fertilizers will not ripen them. Hid and organics and of course patience will. It is a long haul, but is it worth it? Yes, this info will before long set this tree free until the red sun returns soon and the judgement is upon.When people see the truth of this tree and how following the true history of this tree will allow the truth of all things to come out as all these truths are connected to this tree...then the people will stand worldwide for it and will grow it, make things from it and most it, but rev the experts say your nuts! Believe them, its freewill and we all have it...or listen and feel, just feel. When the wisdom tree returns to the earth to be grown everywhere, all things in the environment benefit and live long and healthy. No more bad food, bad living, ignorance,stupidity, destroying ourselves and our children and earth, will be no more. Just you, us and all things happy under the father and his shepherd. The mischief makers will be gone with all their lies to be forgotten. That's allot rev. No, not really, just a drop in a large bucket of wisdom and truth for those who choose understanding. I'm glad I did. No matter the petty cost of this life. The next evolution, wow! All men and women will be wise nobody, more than the other. One love, rev.thenatural

Bro countless gas bags have counseled the unenlightened on the fantastic wisdom theyve received or earned or somehow acquired. I think its far more likely that you are delusional and also a scoundrel for misleading the naive with your preposterously unfounded and plainly misguided rants.

"organics" by that you mean what exactly? Carbon based? Omri certified? It is a meaningless or at minimun nebulous term. Youre a ridiculous old gas bagger.

Also your title is misleading the main discovery here is that youre a babbling idiot.
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Bro countless gas bags have counseled the unenlightened on the fantastic wisdom theyve received or earned or somehow acquired. I think its far more likely that you are delusional and also a scoundrel for misleading the naive with your preposterously unfounded and plainly misguided rants.

"organics" by that you mean what exactly? Carbon based? Omri certified? It is a meaningless or at minimun nebulous term. Youre a ridiculous old gas bagger.
I've been waiting, good to see you and I'm sure others will follow my friend. This is only the start of my rants as you call them. The haters are my favorite. One love, rev.thenatural
I've been waiting, good to see you and I'm sure others will follow my friend. This is only the start of my rants as you call them. The haters are my favorite. One love, rev.thenatural

My brother dont confuse critical thinking with hate.Youve made no discovery. Im pointing out that youre not unique. Idiots abound.

As for big pharma killing people are you a person who refuses aspirin or insulin or antibiotics? Or are you a blissfull, double talking nit wit. Sugar, your friend, kills more people than all tbe folks ever killed by pharma.

Molasses is not "pure sap from tbe cane" . Jackass.

Get an introduction to syntax, punctuation and grammar they make useful friends.
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The idea exchange should be an open platform.
There is no reason to express negativity on those wanting to share their knowledge and experience.
Listen to all and try and glean from all the pearls of wisdom they espouse for " wise is the man who learns from experience, but wiser is he who learns from the experience of other s "
wow hope our more spiritually guided grower knows mma..ya all kinda beat him up a bit.hes sharing his truth and so is everyone and let doesn't u have it all figured out in sciences can one particle b in two places at once (quantum physics) is the best guide but nothing is wat it all ya crazy fkrs...and science and ppls struggles matter to me. B FKN NICE