Root Damage


I recent had to transplant four seedlings that were germed in rockwool cubes all 4 days old i noticed one had a root about and inch long yesterday and now its curled up im guessing its dead.I also have a few others that are showing a root about a quarter inch, when i transplanted them from their small net cups to bigger ones i put a layer of hydroton in the bigger cups and layed the cubes on top and then filled in the cup.Now will the one that is has the root curling up regenerate another root and make it and how about the others will the roots be fine after putting them into the cups with hydroton? basically can they recover from root damage?


Active Member
Heres the love :) Roots r naturay gana curl and grow every wich way in search of water. Wat u want to look at is the color of the root. Is the color white and clean looking? If so know worys. If it is damaged it will be fine. U cant do root surgery. All u can do is b careful. If the root has roots growing out the botom an inch long its doing prety good and u could probly cut off all the roots on the botom and still end up with a heathy plant cuz roots r also going to b in the rockwool. Dont do this thow.. Im just saying.


duuuuude thanks for the freakin love bro ok cool i got em under the 150w hps with the water level right under the ups no nutes hopin i see some growth soon