Root bugs?


Well-Known Member
What kinda of bug lived at the bottom of pots near the roots white looking real small about twice the size of an aphid I jus noticed these little fuckers. Anything to worry about?!


New Member
how big are they? if they are very very small white bugs they may be springtails, as long as their not munching on your plant matter it should be no big issue

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
how big are they? if they are very very small white bugs they may be springtails, as long as their not munching on your plant matter it should be no big issue
Don't even listen to that. If you are inside they will in no time reproduce into millions. Kill them, Kill them all. I have these little black bugs that will not die. I believe they are thrips. I have thrown everything at them except fire and they still come back. I waited a few days to do something and they reproduced into 10,000 in no time. Only thing killing them are bombs. I am doing a soil drench with spinosad and have used it already, like 8 times. Along with nematodes, gnatral, pure spray and another soil drench product with rosemary oil ect. They are a big deal. Any bug except predator bugs are a big deal.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I have never seen thrips live in soil. Normally they are on the leaves and spinosad knocks them out.

Pepe and urhighness both sound like root aphids to me. There are several diff. species and depending on what life stage they are at look wildly different.

Good luck, it's what I am battling as well.


New Member
small black flies?, place a bowl with vinegar and a drop of sulfo near the infected soil,
This will attract the bugs, with sulfo in the water, they will drown, when trying to land on the water.

You shoud also add a bit of soap to the water. When watering your plants this will kill the eggs.

Also Garlic in the soil, or coffee grounds, are old tips for killing them.


Well-Known Member
Don't even listen to that. If you are inside they will in no time reproduce into millions. Kill them, Kill them all. I have these little black bugs that will not die. I believe they are thrips. I have thrown everything at them except fire and they still come back. I waited a few days to do something and they reproduced into 10,000 in no time. Only thing killing them are bombs. I am doing a soil drench with spinosad and have used it already, like 8 times. Along with nematodes, gnatral, pure spray and another soil drench product with rosemary oil ect. They are a big deal. Any bug except predator bugs are a big deal.
Hate to thread jack, but have you tried praying manta's? Or you can go extreme and get Lady Bugs and Mantas. We consider them the "fire" you haven't tried yet.


Are they eating you're leaves or stem?

Do they stir up when you move the soil or leaves?

Are you in the 21st century, can you post a picture?

Does your plants seem to be effected by it? (AKA sick?)

What type of soil/home/water/air is the plants getting?

We need more details or pictures to help you more. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie