Root bound is the only problem!


Well-Known Member
if the green plant is root bound then fuck yeah, i need to start making my plants root bound as they look a hell of a lot healthier then that yellowing plant.


Active Member
To me it looks as though you are extremely close to harvest and your plant is either done and killing the fan leaves off by sucking whatever nutrients are left in them, or you are just lacking a shit ton of N.

I can't find it but there was a study where if a plant is "root bound" 3 weeks after flower it would make absolutely no difference if repotted because the plant has already grown the roots it needed to support the fruit/buds.

It wouldn't be making anymore roots thus really wouldn't be root bound.
I'd say check your feeding or trichomes but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
You need to make yourself more clear on what you are trying to say.
First of all , no we can't tell if plant is root bound by the pics you posted. Plant looks fine. I don't see a problem.
You need to work on communication skills just a bit. Good luck to you and your crop.


Well-Known Member
Some people shouldn't get baked,then start threads lol.
Thats the only downfall with cannabis forums,way too many monged out potheads making no sense lol.


Well-Known Member
To me it looks as though you are extremely close to harvest and your plant is either done and killing the fan leaves off by sucking whatever nutrients are left in them, or you are just lacking a shit ton of N.

I can't find it but there was a study where if a plant is "root bound" 3 weeks after flower it would make absolutely no difference if repotted because the plant has already grown the roots it needed to support the fruit/buds.

It wouldn't be making anymore roots thus really wouldn't be root bound.
I'd say check your feeding or trichomes but that's just me.
Amen! I had an og that outgrew a 7 gallon smart pot (it was a massive og) and started showing deficiencies about 3 weeks into flower. I transplanted to a 20 gallon tub, and everyone was telling me how it was going to lose a lot of yield bc of all of its energy going into root formation, instead of buds.

Maybe yield was affected; ogs are somewhat lanky/branchy for an indica (mine was anyways) and so the colas never quite filled out, but it had so many tops/branches it still produced 10 1/2 to 11 ounces coning off an 8 week veg.


I am trying to find people who believe what I believe so we can move forward together. I'm not trying to piss anyone off I am trying to learn.


My original question was does anyone agree with me I'm looking for people who agree with me


Well-Known Member
Then my answer is "NO" .
Rootbound is not the only thing that can be wrong with all grows. There are many different things that can go wrong.
All grows are different.