root bound during flower


Active Member
GoodDay, Just a quick question. Plants are 2 weeks into flower and looks like the roots are all bundled up right tight will they be ok to but, can i jsut keep them in the small pots they wont grow taller just grow buds? or will this slow the bud growth also.



Well-Known Member
what size pots are they in mate? need at least 7.5 - 10 litres each. when a ganja plant is repotted it will immediately send out a main root to ascertain its growing potential. Depending on the size and depth of your root structure is the final yield and quality of your bud.

Not entirely recommended to repot when already started to flower, but i would if they need more room


Well-Known Member
Before you get too worried you may want to have a look at this thread:

Pretty much says the nute industry is full of it and he has never seen a root-bound plant (there are pix of marijuana trees growing in small pots).

But if that doesn't convince you not to worry - wouldn't it be better for the plant to focus on flowering rather than root structure during blooming phase?