Root aphids

Well I came home today and noticed my seeds had sprouted as I was examining them I noticed a few root aphids crawling around in the soil thankfully after a lil look under the micro scope there wasn't any on the lil taproots so i transplanted them to new solo cups with some pro-mix and mykos and I'm hoping them lil bastards don't magically re-appear because its a brand new bag of soil and I previously had them in some cheapie seed starter mix which i think was the root cause im glad i caught it early because they are som tough lil bastards never again will I use Jiffys seed starter


Active Member
Get some Neem oil concentrate. mix it up per instr. on bottle. Dip and drench the soil in it. This stuff kills almost any insect, and is OMRI listed. I use Green Light Neem concentrate. Works like a champ! even kills spider mites. Happy killing!