Room within a Room


Well-Known Member
progressing along...
to OP: panda film is thick and 100% waterproof you will be fine with either putting it over your plywood or just on the floor depending on what you feel safe with

These are the zippers you want. They are called "tarp zip-ups" and range from 7 to 12 bucks:PICT6496.JPG

Velcro causes the middles to pull out on panda and its not easy re-lining it evry time you enter.

Another method is just over mount your panda overlapping your entrance so you can walk through the flaps.


Well-Known Member

Here is my progress. The front still needs to be secured and taped up. but still need access and dont have my zipper yet. 4x6x6


Matatan..i'm a noob with the word working, but you are doing the exact thing I am about to build, except my dimensions are going to be 5' wide, 7' long, 6' tall. What's the first tstep in framing that? Did you make it on it's side, then flip it up??


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1612011View attachment 1612010View attachment 1612012

Here is my progress. The front still needs to be secured and taped up. but still need access and dont have my zipper yet. 4x6x6
ur doing it a bit different than i am, my poly is stapled from the inside and im not using plywood on the walls, just the top and bottom. in that 3rd pic why are you covering the white side, the reflective side(!), with plywood????????
Matatan..i'm a noob with the word working, but you are doing the exact thing I am about to build, except my dimensions are going to be 5' wide, 7' long, 6' tall. What's the first tstep in framing that? Did you make it on it's side, then flip it up??
i actually wanted to build it 5x7 but plywood comes in 2x4, 4x4, or 4x8. so it was just easier to work with 4x8 than to have them cut then have to puzzle it together here at home.
i started with the raised floor platform, i put that in the room. then made each wall on its side, then when all the walls were complete i set them up on the platform, adjusted, then screwed down. (i didnt hammer cause the loud banging, also screwing will allow me to unscrew whenever i want and add or rebuild or move or whatever. and screws hold a tighter bond. nailing is ALOT quicker tho.)
next i made the corners by add a piece of 2x4 to each corner.
finally i put the ceiling on top, screwed that into place and then added 2 more 2x4 pieces to hang my lights from.
i am now putting up the panda, i am like half way through, im leaving the harder parts for tomorrow when im fresh, gotta make the door, and wall with the hole for my exhaust.

lastest pic, i added the beams with hooks for the lights and mounted the inline fan:hump:



Well-Known Member
i cant exhaust the hot air out the window cause im in a apartment. i was thinking i have a couple different options, please help anyone picking the best way to go about this...

i have an attached ac in the living room about 20ft away from the bedroom where the growroom is in.

option1- exhaust to bedroom where the grow room is on the opposite end, maybe crack the window.
-negatives- wouldnt that just make the entire room hot as fuck in the coming summer months?? and make my ac work extra hard to reach that far or not at all in that room.
- IF i crack the window to release some of the negative pressure i would be letting out ac air from the living room, in tunr letting in air from outside, which would more than likely be hot/warm air.

option 2- exhaust to a nearby closet.
negatives- i would have to leave the door cracked to get the ducting in there, i will not make a hole in the door. even if i did the close is pretty big, 3x7, there is no place for the air to go, theres no window. it would come right back out thru the door opening, creating a layer of hot air that my ac would have to get thru to get to the bedroom.

option3- exhaust to the bathroom, where there is a vent.
negatives- i would have to be running that vent all day which is turned on by the main light switch. i will probally need a bigger fan or add a booster fan to accommodate the length of ducting.

option4- buy a portable ac for the growroom
negatives- i will be running 2 acs pulling a shitload of wattage running my electric bill sky high.
i dont have the available wattage to connect that ac. unless i run an extention cord like 25ft, and every ac iv looked at says DO NOT USE WITH EXTENSION CORD.

anyone care to spread some knowledge ? hopefully im overlooking something...


I wish I could help you on the exhaust bro..i'm just learning as I grow..I mean go. Option 3 sounds the best to me so far. The second pic in post #21 shows a good view on your there any way if you get a few minutes you might be able to show arrows on that pic with which boards you started with? I'm more of a visual learner ;P So you laid down the little pieces of board on the carpet first, then screwed down the plywood to make a floor?


Active Member
can i ask why you use sheet timber for these constructions, plywood is expensive, it is not eco friendly, it has 0% sound proof qualities, it cannot help keep heat back, in fact if you put a fan in that room the plywood will act like a drum and amplify the noise. use drywall in these situations 2 layer, very cheap, the pink soundbloc stuff on the inside 1st layer, and fireproof blue stuff on the outside layer, then just cover the inside in plastic, and build a door, thats cheap too. you can even put soundproof and heatproof loft insulation in the 2" gap between the drywall sheets.


Jealous, You got some serious gonads to build this in an apt. Have you thought about using insulation board on the inside of the room? You can get styrofoam with mylar on one side and plastic on the other from lowes pretty cheap in 4x8 sheets. It is great for sound proofing and reflectivity. Also 100% waterproof. Just an idea.


Well-Known Member
its like weed inception. its a grow room inside a room, within another room, all inside one apartment complex. Pray for no F.L.I.R.


its like weed inception. its a grow room inside a room, within another room, all inside one apartment complex. Pray for no F.L.I.R.
I would think FLIR would be the least of your concerns in an apartment. I really doubt they'd be looking in large complex (I'm assuming) for warm units. Hell if I know, though.


Well-Known Member
why pray for no FLIR? its all on the inside of my house.. its not like im heating up an external wall or venting out a window. I am venting into my main living space. I dont know if that was addressed to me or not.

I didnt cover poly with plywood either. The plywood is simply for mounting my equipment, fan etc. I will be putting mylar on the plywood. I ran out of poly :)

i do like the idea of insulation and drywall, but i really needed this setup quick. Maybe some day.

Sound isnt really an issue..

tropical island climate is what is killing me.