Room temps


So just testing out the room, still need to put poly up but wanted to know relative temperatures. Light was on for around an hour or so and it is 68, with the lowest being 59 in complete darkness. Do I still require a hood exhaust fan?



Leave it for a full 12 hours, i know it sucks but that is the only way you will know. Typically i believe most of the heat is built within the first 3 hours, but if ventililation is not enough it may continue to rise.
68 is too cold anyhow, you want to be about 10 degrees higher.
And i am nit picky, but i would sheet that back wall, i would use OSB and paint it white, but thats just me.


Yes there will be one or two oscillating fans. I'm leaving the light on for a bit so see what it ultimately goes up to. Will be growing dwc, first time grow hopefully all goes well :)


i wqould drop my light and do vert grow. you have enough space and with a pit of exast air flow you should be good for temps seeing as they are kinda low now


What are the advantages of growing vertically? I wanted to just save space because the closet needs to be accessible at all times, can't have a light dangling there


New Member
Yes there will be one or two oscillating fans. I'm leaving the light on for a bit so see what it ultimately goes up to. Will be growing dwc, first time grow hopefully all goes well :)
well lot more to dwc but i got good temps and air movement sounds good
dont change it yet
not to butt in but I cant seem to get my temps above 69F I even have a vent from my furnace blowing hot air in there everytime my heat turns on and the is a heat lamp but still cant get it to 70. ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA TO GET IT HOTTER


More light!
OR reduce your air flow, you could get a speed controller, or get creative with some cardboard and slow your air down. Also if you are able to recirculate some air back to the plants rather than vent it you can pull more heat.


That makes no sense to me then, i keep my house at about 68 degrees or so......
If you are blowing in air to maintain 68 degrees and then have enough light to grow a plant it seems like you should be able to heat the air at least a few degrees.
What if you (i know this sounds stupid) actually made more of a place for the air escape? maybe then it would allow more of the warm air to come in, and force the colder air out. Hot in on the top, cold out on the bottom.


More light!!!!
i have more light than that in my 4x6 x 4 ft tall veg room, and i want more!
Seriously a single 1000 watt would make a huge difference in everything.
How big is that area?


Active Member
there is nothing at all wrong with 68degrees in your room 78 degrees is a maximum temp and at that temp i would recommend running co2 then you would be better off with that extra heat but aging 70degrees AWSOME GOOD GOOD GOOD FOR YOU you will enjoy it and have nicer icy stuff to show for it


I disagree with this entirely, 78 is optimal daytime temp, anything much lower will slow growth. For Co2 you need to be near the mid 80s. I have done lots and lots of research and experimenting with this, 78 is optimal as long as night time temps stay within 15 degrees. Unless you don't want to grow buds bigger than your finger.......
Most growers i know use hid lights for mothers, or at least a lot of t5's. I imagine in Canada this is a common problem, i am much further south so typically i have more issues with keeping it cool than warm.
I would put either 2 8 bulb 4' t5s or 2 400 or 600s in there, your mothers will love it.


Seeds have germinated so now they have been put in rockwool cubes surrounded by hydroton. Got the water level just touching the bottom of the net pot with an air stone at the bottom, hopefully this supplies enough water to keep the rockwool damp enough. I have the light a little lower, do I need it to run at 600 or can I dim to 400? Also room is now 71.6. Can this be a problem when switching to 18/6 as it would be too cold when the light is off in the room?



No it doesn't need a lot of light yet, if you could just throw some cfls over it that will do fine.
Nighttime temps ideally should stay within 15 degrees of daytime.
You may need to top water the rockwool until the roots can reach the water.