room temp without fans (couple of questions)

hi guys my room temp without fans is about 78 which ive read is best. what im wondering is should i still be using fans, with the fan on the temp is about 70 - 72

the thermo is located at the entrance to my setup but not at the rooms door is this where it should be

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Yes a fan for intake and a fan for out-take.. to keep the air in your grow room from becoming stagnant and stale. It also helps promote a hearty thick main stem
Well you don't want the thermo next to the lite, best to keep it in the center of thhe room. Hng it in your plants. If the roomis is a constant 78° maybe just use one fan to circulate the air in the room.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Thermo in the middle of the room? Its good to have 1 thermo on the wall to monitor the temps of the room and a thermo on a pot at the base of the main stem to monitor the temp of the plants themselves.


Well-Known Member
i would say you want at least a extracting one for the smell + a circulating to move the air around.
hi guys the thermo is on the wall. the temp in at the plants is about 85 with fan blowing on them. i can put other fan on aswell if it would help

if i use the 2 fans i will make the area at the plants cooler but then the room temp will drop to around 68 - 70 is this ok because there is still enough heat in at the plants

light is about 18 inches away and the water temp is at 72 degrees


Well-Known Member
yes but id still be worried about stagnant air, with the circulating fans all your doing is blowing the hot air around the room your not getting rid of it!

are you sure that the circulating fans are dropping the temps by 15 degrees? because without extracting the air all that heat is not leaving the room!


Well-Known Member
no 85 is fine but i wouldnt go higher than this, your plants will tell you when its to hot, and 70 is fine with lights off