Room temp is 84 help


I got a room tent of 3.6 wide 6.6 tall 6 long I got 600 w mh and 1000w hps I got 4 inch and carbon filter and 6 inch intake with a big fan blowing on my lights also a co2 bag how can I cool this room with different hood I use wings low on cash no ac
Don't worry, 84 is not that bad at all. Before I got a tent my plants were in the high 80's constantly and never had any problems. Just keep a fan on them and you should be fine. I have a tent now and I keep the temps low but I have a closed loop for the light and a fan to exhaust air from the tent itself. The tent is constantly 5 degrees cooler than the surrounding area.

Since you have a tent you will also be able to control the temps. Just save up and get an inline fan to exhaust the air out. Make sure you exhaust the air completely out of the area, like out the window or into an attic.
You should be OK, like above in the summer time I have had temps between 87-89 for couple weeks straight, no issues. But I would also guess different strains could be more tolerant to temps than others.
Mine gets up to 90 with my stupid umbrella hood and poor exhaust. humidity cycles between 40 and 90!!! Which is really concerning me. No problems.....yet.
My autos seem to love it around 85 in the day time , I changed my exhaust vent so it's pointed at the 1000w and its good air flow the plants leafs are going upward the lights they are about 4 inch tall
Switch your schedule to run at the coolest times possible if not doing this already. I did a complete 12 hour flip because of this same problem while in mid flower and had zero problems. Running at night will lower your temps but if that isnt enough then your only other practical solution is an a.c.
I would think 84 F would be OK especially if you have CO2.If it got much higher i would flip a cork and be really concerned.I would think 2 600 watt lights would be plenty in that little tent and i doubt if it were designed to hold that 1000 .2 600 watt lights would be plenty in that little tent and you would lose allot of the heat.If you have a constant flow of air through the tent though your CO2 injections will do you no good.1 1000 watt lamp will cover a 6 ft cube.You only have 4x6x6.I think if it got to be much worse of a problem id cut it back to just the 1000 watt lamp.Good luck to you.
84 is ok but I still think its high. I like 80 max. Lower temps is exhausting hot air out into roof/wall/floor and cold air intake..
85 at the plants is a good temp indoors with a tent, especially with the lights you are using. Really can't expect much better.
I find that my plants like it in the high 80s to low 90s, as long as you got some humidity in the tent you should be fine.
While I think, 84 f is not the end of the world for a plant, however…you can see the end from there... I've had heat stress in the past, your thermometer reads 84 f… it’s 88+ somewhere in your tent… is your thermo at cola height, or lower?… I like the idea above has with switching lights to off hours, you could save a degree or two, that could be enough… osculating fan to blow gently on tops… more exhaust out the heat… is about all you can do…

My heat issues STOPPED, the minute I dialed in my AC units…

Good Luck!
Soon the seasonal changes will have you a little lower in temp due to the ambient changes .. I have always ran 78-82 and it really is optimal imho
That's what happens you pack to much light into small spaces

You can pack as much as you want in a space it just needs a lot of ventilation. I got a 600w in a 3x3 and the max is 80. I did a search and a lot of people think 600w in a 3x3 is too much. Ill decide when I get my yield