Room Setup: Ventilation/Non-Growing Areas


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. New to posting but I have been reading a ton and learning a lot.

I am new to growing and am in the midst of setting up a space. I used a little alcove in my basement. I walled it off and ended up with a space about 6'x6'x7'. I divided the room into 2 so I could have a veg room and a flowering room to allow for a steady supply of plants ready for flowering. Everything but the doors separating the rooms are painted flat white. Doors are b&w poly.

I have a 2'x2' 4 lamp t5 that produces 20,000 lumens in veg room and am planning on a digital 600w hps for flowering room.

Just picked up a 170 cfm high velocity fan for the exhaust. I have to make use of two 4" vents that were installed in the ceiling when I was building the room. I wish I had made them at least 6" but I cant turn back now. One vent runs through the rafters in the ceiling and runs outside to a discreet vent cover on the side of my house. The other runs through the rafters and will vent into my basement.

I am planning on using the outdoor vent as a passive intake as it gets cold here in the winter (below freezing) and having the fan suck air from the room and blow it into my basement (through a carbon filter first) I figure the exhaust will create a small vacuum effect and gently suck in cold air from the outside vent. Oscilating fans will circulate the air within the grow room.

Problem I have is that with the dividing wall between veg and flowering rooms, I sealed off the veg room from the intake and exhaust system in the flowering area.

I attached a diagram of the room. I am thinking of drilling a couple 4" holes in the dividing wall and attaching some small 4" computer fans to allow some of the air from the flowering area to be circulated into the veg room. I am not too concerned with heat as the basement remains cool and the t5's dont put off much heat but I do want the plants to have access to fresh air.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

The other question I have is:

If I have a 3'x6' area but only plan on using a 3'x4' area for actual growing, do I need to seal off the actual grow area, or would it be OK to leave the remaining 2' open? The two areas are sealed for light but there would be 2' of open space at the entrance to both rooms. I like using the area to move around but am concerned of wasting light as it will not be boxed in to reflect maximum light from lamps. I suppose I could hang some b&w poly but I already have 2 poly doors and the stuff becomes cumbersome to when its hanging all over. Id rather leave the area open but I want to do whats best for the plants.

Here is a diagram of the room:


Thanks in advance. I will have more questions as I get closer to actually growing. Good to have a resource like this. Taking my time making sure everything is set up perfectly so I eliminate as many potential issues as I can before I begin.