room is running at 92

Running at 92 without a cooltube . I currently have a 5 rvk exraction ..if i link my extraction to cooltube what temp will i be hitting ?? 600 w sodium bulb


Well-Known Member
my room runs that with co2 on hot days. make sure you have good ventilation on and around the plants and also between plant tops and the light and you'll probably be ok.
I understand what ur saying cues .however i havent got a 6 .and have plumped for a cool hood this way imo i can lover the light and get bushy plants rather than skinny ones .question is ,as im now running on temps of 92at canopy level (what temp will it be once hood is installed)?


Well-Known Member
There is no way for anyone to give you an exact answer to your question. We can only guess just like you. The only way to find out is to install the hood and check the temperature.


Well-Known Member
maybe keep the ventilation you have now .. buy a cool tube hood .. some 4" tubeings and a cheap 4" canal ventilator and make a strain run from the outside so the cool tube have its own intake/outake .. make sure to make it air tight tho .. so no smell escapes ..

and if you got 92F now and expect hot days I wouldnt wait to do sumthing ..

I runn 80-86F depending wher I mesure (bottom of plants top of the canorpy) and I dont like it .. also got a bit of heat stress on a few top bud leaves ..

to get mine down from the 90ish I did had when summer hit us .. to the 82-84F I mostly can keep it at now ..

I conectet my old 4" ventilaton to one of my two passiv intakes and made a 6" tube run to my passiv intake over the window in my room out side the grow room .. that actualy works nicely .. provide not just lower temps .. but also fresh air/co2 directly to my plants from the outside ..

be creative .. try to google it and see what Ppl. do to keep ther temps down ..
Thanks for ur reply. i currently have a 4 rvk in and a5 rvk out , the noise of the fans is an issue allready and would preferebly not want another ..however is there a way to install my cool hood without having to add another fan ..any genius ducting ideas a welcome


Well-Known Member
do your intake ventilation pull fresh air in from the out side ? or just a room ?

if just a room then use the ventilation for the cool tube insted and just make a passiv intake ..
(use the biggest ventilation for the room as out take and the small for your cool tube)

and if possible keep the ventilations inside the tent/room .. can also make a playwood box for em with a tube to fit your tubeing .. will take most of the noise off .. also isolatet tubes make a diffrent .. tho a bit more expensiv ..

but by doing this you will build up heat out side if the tent/room is in another room ?

like me in a spare bed room .. I need to keep a tower fan bloweing fresh air in ther or temps build up over night from the hot exust air ..


Well-Known Member
i have a 400w set up. filter then duct to cool tube then duct the other side of cool tube to the fan to exhaust i just have a passive intake with a tube to the window the fan is a 5" inline 2 speed and i been running it on the lower speed and it's 82 degrees but expecting to have to use the higher speed when summer really comes


Active Member
I can't afford to run A/C mostly because of my load, but with out a doubt… if your temps are over 80-85+ make sure you have optimal airflow. If you have a nice intake and exhaust set up with oscillating fans in the room it will allow you some wiggle room. 90+ is nuts though. Careful with that.


Active Member
High temps suck! For a whole week my space was up to 104 and then the next week it was high 90s , with 2 fans and a intake/outtake! They still look good tho suprisingly


Active Member
it will prpbbably drop about 5 degrees espically if you pull the heat rather than push the heat. im cooling a 400w with a 4 in 175 cfm that is pulling through a carbon scrubber and pushing the heat out of the hood. im quite sure i could cool a 600 watter just fine with it, espically if i were pulling heat rather than pushing it.
I understand what ur saying cues .however i havent got a 6 .and have plumped for a cool hood this way imo i can lover the light and get bushy plants rather than skinny ones .question is ,as im now running on temps of 92at canopy level (what temp will it be once hood is installed)?