Room dimension L5' X W5' X H4' **Help**


if even possible....
How do I keep my plants as short as possible ?
what's the shortest I can keep my plants during flower ?
What are the best ways to keep them short ?

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
just crop um or tie um down, either way works but in the meantime, read more. ats what we all have to do to stay on top of this stuff


Well-Known Member
Top them to create 8 to 16 main shoots then tie them down horizontally using pipe cleaners and attaching to holes drilled in side of pot.


Top them to create 8 to 16 main shoots then tie them down horizontally using pipe cleaners and attaching to holes drilled in side of pot.
How many times can I top my girls ?
Sorry what do you mean by pipe cleaners and tieing them down would you happen to have any pictures. ?


Well-Known Member
indeed, check out the posts on LST'ing...

Otherwise toss a screen/trellis across them after you top them a few times, and you can tie to that, create a flat canopy of vegetation airflow above n below it....

and you can top all u want as long as u give it time to heal between, and its got enough space for root growth... if u top it 15-20 times over, its gonna have to veg for ever...


Well-Known Member
Top once.. Then allow the top to grow two new shoots. While this is happening the two lower shoots will begin to grow. Now you have 4 shoots. Tie down the 4 shoots and top them. Once you have 8 shoots top again. That's three toppings.. Will take some time depending on conditions.