Room Design...Fun with AutoCad. Need input, see pics!...


Active Member
Bummer that sucks man, thanks for trying though.
Heres my states (Oregon) law:

Manufacturing any amount of marijuana is a very serious offense. 'Manufacturing' means growing even one plant and packaging, repackaging, labeling or relabeling marijuana. Manufacturing marijuana is a class A felony punishable by a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.

Knowingly maintaining, visiting or even staying at a place where people are using, storing, or selling marijuana is a class A misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a $5,000 fine. However, if the amount of marijuana is one ounce or less, and it is just kept or used on the premises, the fine is $100 and not a criminal conviction.

Any manufacture of marijuana is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $300,000.

Senate Bill 1085, which takes effect on January 1, 2006, raises the quantity of cannabis that authorized patients may possess from seven plants (with no more than three mature) and three ounces of cannabis to six mature cannabis plants, 18 immature seedlings, and 24 ounces of usable cannabis. However, those state-qualified patients who possess cannabis in amounts exceeding the new state guidelines will no longer retain the ability to argue an "affirmative defense" of medical necessity at trial. Patients who fail to register with the state, but who possess medical cannabis in amounts compliant with state law, still retain the ability to raise an "affirmative defense" at trial.

So by the sounds of it if I get caught I will loose everything and be in jail for years. Worth going to 1000W? Im up in the air.


Well-Known Member
that really sucks. i can grow 3 lbs and still not be a felony. i cannot honestly say i would grow in your state. cost benefit is way wacked. but the light is not what's going to get you caught - a "friend" is your real risk - ex-girlfriend, ex-roomate, ex-whatever.


Active Member
I was surprised to read that too :wall:

But Ive come too far. I am not telling ANYONE that does not absolutley have to know (aka only roommates whom I trust completly).

So anyways lets talk about some more fun stuff not quiet so depressing....

So I am trying to figure out was size fans I need to adequately ventilate this room while have some negative pressure (more out than in). This is proving to be quiet the dilemma.
I know the equation that you want to be able to remove all the air in the room in 5 minutes. BTW this room is ULTRA stealth there will be people on the other side of the wall lots of the time that can NOT know, so I am taking the ventilation very seriously to make sure odor control is taken care of (and of course to have healthy plants).

So I did the calculations to find the exact volume of the entire main room:

Volume = L x W x H

I will do this volume equation in two steps because my room is not a simple cube but rather a cube AND a ‘3-d triangle’ (cant remember the name of that polygon lol).

So the part of the room that is a cube:
9.8’ x 10.8’ x 4.2’ = 444.5 ft^3

Now the triangle roof part:
Volume of 3-d triangle = ½ x base x height x length
½ x 10.8’ x 2.3’ x 9.8’ = 121.7 ft^3

Now I simply add them both together to get the entire volume of the entire grow room:
445.5 + 121.7 = 568 ft^3

So if I want to remove all the air in the room in 5 minutes I divide that number my 5 to get what cfm exhaust fan I need. 568 ft^3 / 5 minutes = 114 cfm

But looking at other peoples set ups they are using much bigger fans with similar sized rooms. I was reading that I can go with a bigger exhaust fan and not hurt anything besides my wallet, probably worth it in my opinion. So what size you think? Also what size filter?

But I don’t even know if doing that equation figures anything out because the room is divided into sections so there isn’t even that much air volume available to extract I don’t think, UNLESS because the flowering and veg room have fans BLOWING air into the main room does that air entering the room faster make there be more air then in the room by volume? (I hope that makes sense).

I need to figure out what size and types of fans to use for all these. This is a bit overwhelming if I must do separate equations compensating for air that is leaving and entering each room and then extracting it all from the main room…..

Ahhhh…, any help on this?


Well-Known Member
dude, i have a brother who's been inside and unless you want a new boyfriend i seriously suggest you talk to a lawyer about the real world implications of being caught in your state. it is just not worth it if they really enforce those laws. at least call the local norml people and ask.


Well-Known Member
and, we're back in the baked zone hangin with the fiancee so i can't really help with the technical questions, as i;ve so thoroughly shown:bigjoint:


Active Member
I am researching everything about Oregons law and previous cases and crap right now to asess the risk. I am looking into getting a Medical Card so I can legally grow!
Anyone in Oregon have any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
hey again,

i have heard so much conflicting info on this its worth its own post. i've read anywhere from your figure of 5 minutes to the inverse - five times per minute. i've just split the difference which is not really the best idea. look for the thread in room design.