Rookie question?


Wat is lowest amount of light can you have to grow. I'm trying to fig out how to reduce the chances of popo knocking. And wat are fav choices of lights?


Well-Known Member
if you use cfl's i would atleast have 100 watts per plant as a min for flower , , veg you can use less .
h.i.d's is the best lighting for flowering imo , and you could just use a 250 watt hid over the cfl and would cost about the same


Well-Known Member
I like to have no less than 100w per plant in veg and 2 to 3 times that in flower.

The more light the better. I have seen way to many paranoid people on here and just makes me laugh. If your worried about the 5-0 shopping up at your door maybe you shouldn't grow IMO.

But all in all man cfls are great for vegging and the more light the better your yield will be(as long as everything else falls into place) I would really consider getting a hid light for flowering. Even if it is a 250. HPS is where its at man. Once u flower with it you will wonder why you ever went without it.
Wat is lowest amount of light can you have to grow. I'm trying to fig out how to reduce the chances of popo knocking. And wat are fav choices of lights?
For a low heat sig, CFL's are your best bet....If you're doing a grow of 4 plants, then 2 x 250w CFL's should work just fine :)
MH and HPS will give a higher yield, but they are more expensive to run and give off a hotter heat sig
