Rookie needing help


Hi dear forum

I'm an old consumer but a rookie grower. When I first try to grow we were in the previous milenium :cool: and I didn't even know that a flowering period exists. We smoke it anyway. This year with a lot more science and knowledge I grow a cbd tsh juanita. Photo-period one. With terrible weather conditions but indoor. Or low cost materials. Flowering should be 70 days, but in 40 it starts to get very yellow leaves and I harvest more or less at 65. In my opinion trichomes and pistils were not ready, based on this teaching site . But the final effect after dry and cured is very good.

So after that I tried an outside experience with a bud seeds medikit, only CBD. Because I don't want to have more than one plant at the same time, I just could germinate it late in May 20. So naturally it is a small girl. Beside that I used low stress technique to keep it even more low height. I think you know why. So she is really small. She was nice and green, and happy outside but suddenly she starts becoming like the photos I show here.

Can you please give me some advice? Should I harvest? Should I wait?

Thanks a lot to you all.
5 - Copy.jpg7 - Copy.jpg


I think you need to post your actual pictures rather than another pic you see as similar. I will say the pic you posted is nowhere in the same galaxy as “ready“.
This is my plant today. I post two photos. One near the flower other the entire plant. And I know is not ready. But has it show very burned in leaves, I don't know if it is better to harvest, or wait. I don't know if I can wait.


Well-Known Member
This is my plant today. I post two photos. One near the flower other the entire plant. And I know is not ready. But has it show very burned in leaves, I don't know if it is better to harvest, or wait. I don't know if I can wait.
gotcha. I thought you were saying those are similar pics. Looking at those I don’t think you are going to get much at all, and it would likely be poor quality if you harvested now. I don’t know if they can be salvaged, but to me the labor involved to trim and process isnt worth the bother. That’s just a guess based on what you provided. It’s hard to tell without a better pic of the whole plant, but it doesn’t look like much of anything.


gotcha. I thought you were saying those are similar pics. Looking at those I don’t think you are going to get much at all, and it would likely be poor quality if you harvested now. I don’t know if they can be salvaged, but to me the labor involved to trim and process isnt worth the bother. That’s just a guess based on what you provided. It’s hard to tell without a better pic of the whole plant, but it doesn’t look like much of anything.
Thanks a lot Hugo and Ford. I'm not English fluent speaker or writer so I do my best. The photo has that copy word because I use the option in properties to remove personal information, and them the make copy option. I think that made you think it was a copy. Today I just remove the info not using the copy option ;-) And I send you a today new photo. I know it is very small, and probably doesn't worth the bother, but this is experimental processes. I'm trying to learn, and here we can smoke and possess cannabis in our pocket, but just is if buy from illegal dealers :lol: . Is stupid but is what it is. So I just make small experiences. What I want to know is if I should try to have it more weeks or just harvest now. As you can see in the other close up photo she has lots of healthy trichomes so some effect they will produce, and if I wait maybe all the juanita dry...I don´t know.
Just one more question: How can I react with a like to a post just like this : Reactions: Jsingh and bam0813 did?

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Well-Known Member
What nutrients are you using how much and how often? How often do you water/feed. What do you ph water/feed to.


Active Member
Based on the small amount of info and the pictures, looks like they have seen a bit of excess watering? Maybe some info on your watering/feeding philosophy could offer some insight.


Well-Known Member
Looks like nutrient burn however just using worm castings that shouldn't be possible you may want to try lifting your pot off the concrete. Maybe if using castings weekly or bi weekly idk I have a worm bin and do the same once a month, table spoon per gallon of soil.


Well-Known Member
I water my outdoor plants every morning ( unless it rains ) not just weed but tomatoes potatoes and peppers all potted plants in 3-7 gallons. If left on hot concrete you can eventually fry if root environment gets too hot. Not saying that's your issue just what I do
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Active Member
You need some special conditions for that plant/pot in the picture to be dry every day. I would also suggest that if the plant were pulled that the root ball will be small because of the overly wet conditions. Or, none of the above is possible and in that case discard this. Good luck man, we are all trying to do the same thing here. TC


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot Hugo and Ford. I'm not English fluent speaker or writer so I do my best. The photo has that copy word because I use the option in properties to remove personal information, and them the make copy option. I think that made you think it was a copy. Today I just remove the info not using the copy option ;-) And I send you a today new photo. I know it is very small, and probably doesn't worth the bother, but this is experimental processes. I'm trying to learn, and here we can smoke and possess cannabis in our pocket, but just is if buy from illegal dealers :lol: . Is stupid but is what it is. So I just make small experiences. What I want to know is if I should try to have it more weeks or just harvest now. As you can see in the other close up photo she has lots of healthy trichomes so some effect they will produce, and if I wait maybe all the juanita dry...I don´t know.
Just one more question: How can I react with a like to a post just like this : Reactions: Jsingh and bam0813 did?

View attachment 4983909
So here’s my take fwiw. That plant doesn’t seem to be dying despite its problems. Your choice is get almost nothing harvesting now or wait and potentially get a yield. You can always chop in a week or two if it gets worse. To that end I would either wait until the trichomes say it’s done or the plant is on deaths door.

there is a like button at the bottom of each post.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot Hugo and Ford. I'm not English fluent speaker or writer so I do my best. The photo has that copy word because I use the option in properties to remove personal information, and them the make copy option. I think that made you think it was a copy. Today I just remove the info not using the copy option ;-) And I send you a today new photo. I know it is very small, and probably doesn't worth the bother, but this is experimental processes. I'm trying to learn, and here we can smoke and possess cannabis in our pocket, but just is if buy from illegal dealers :lol: . Is stupid but is what it is. So I just make small experiences. What I want to know is if I should try to have it more weeks or just harvest now. As you can see in the other close up photo she has lots of healthy trichomes so some effect they will produce, and if I wait maybe all the juanita dry...I don´t know.
Just one more question: How can I react with a like to a post just like this : Reactions: Jsingh and bam0813 did?

View attachment 4983909
Don’t sweat your English or spelling it’s better than half in the US


Looks like nutrient burn however just using worm castings that shouldn't be possible you may want to try lifting your pot off the concrete. Maybe if using castings weekly or bi weekly idk I have a worm bin and do the same once a month, table spoon per gallon of soil.
I did not explain me well. When flowing start, more or less, I used 3 tabs of a bio fertilizer because leaves were getting yellow . Ones I got from lettuce. The last ones :-) . Old stuff.

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You need some special conditions for that plant/pot in the picture to be dry every day. I would also suggest that if the plant were pulled that the root ball will be small because of the overly wet conditions. Or, none of the above is possible and in that case discard this. Good luck man, we are all trying to do the same thing here. TC
Here I have some days above 40 degrees. And most of them are above 30 degrees. But yes, we can jump one day or another without watering. I have a kind of a Chinese device that maeasure water and acidity in the ground. I use water from a small water spring, than as a ph around 6 because water from my faucet is around 7 ph.


Well-Known Member
7 ph is fine once you begin using liquid nutrients after your soil has been depleted you can start phing if using liquid nutrients. 6ph is too low. Once you start phing rotate between 6.3 and 6.7 giving straight 7ph sometimes as well. I use fox farms and dry amendments I don't ph my water been giving these plants 9.3 for 2 months



7 ph is fine once you begin using liquid nutrients after your soil has been depleted you can start phing if using liquid nutrients. 6ph is too low. Once you start phing rotate between 6.3 and 6.7 giving straight 7ph sometimes as well. I use fox farms and dry amendments I don't ph my water been giving these plants 9.3 for 2 months
My device is not digital. But ground or land (I don' know the correct expression) PH is always around 7.

This is my device :lol:

Maybe I must buy a better one.

Thanks again for all you guys help