Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
7 yrs old though bro, what are they 7 I didn't have no MF homework!!!!
I was just thinking that. 7 years old here school is still "fun". I font even think 7 yr Olds here get homework. That's pretty fucked up for a kid that young. Especially when they'll probably grow up and follow ur footsteps lol. 25 pages fuck, I have trouble reading 25 pages in a damn book.


Well-Known Member
Rock up with the bamboo bong in the morning when I bring her to school and ask her teacher if she wants to come get some. Hit it ya crazy bitch. 12 MF pages of shit for a 7 yr old. 3 pages left, she been writing 4,5 hrs.....


Well-Known Member
Rock up with the bamboo bong in the morning when I bring her to school and ask her teacher if she wants to come get some. Hit it ya crazy bitch. 12 MF pages of shit for a 7 yr old. 3 pages left, she been writing 4,5 hrs.....
What the fuck kinda class is that for?


Well-Known Member
Because they understand and value the importance of education, unlike us Americans.
Well I may call you on that one.....My neighbor is a degreed engineer and he says its fucking ignorant to have children in school for 8-10 hrs a day, then come home and do homework for 3-4 hours, only to be released out into the real world, with no real skills....So, he agreed with me....He's from Hanoi....


Well-Known Member
Well I may call you on that one.....My neighbor is a degreed engineer and he says its fucking ignorant to have children in school for 8-10 hrs a day, then come home and do homework for 3-4 hours, only to be released out into the real world, with no real skills....So, he agreed with me....He's from Hanoi....
I didn't say they always acted logically about it, what I said was that Asians tend to value getting an education more than Americans.