Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
My oldest (7) goes to Vietnamese "public" school. Her teacher told her day before yesterday if her daddy didnt pay this fucking 25 dollar piece of shit for the doctor which they sent her home with last week she should stay home; they do that shit ALOT send the kids home with a "pay this form", that shit gets fucking old!!! Told her if it wasnt paid to stay home. Fucking stupid bitch
Is that really something you say to the 7 year old child? Fuck no its not, wish I could speak passable Vietnamese at this point as I would go rip that fucking bitches head off.


Well-Known Member
My oldest (7) goes to Vietnamese "public" school. Her teacher told her day before yesterday if her daddy didnt pay this fucking 25 dollar piece of shit for the doctor which they sent her home with last week she should stay home; they do that shit ALOT send the kids home with a "pay this form", that shit gets fucking old!!! Told her if it wasnt paid to stay home. Fucking stupid bitch
Is that really something you say to the 7 year old child? Fuck no its not, wish I could speak passable Vietnamese at this point as I would go rip that fucking bitches head off.
Doing it in English will get your point across well enough.