First one is easy, I got this from the BBC website. And it couldn't be simpler!
Ingrediants (I never bothered with cardomon seeds, you can find alternatives, or perhaps some mustard seeds or something).
- 500g red onions, finely sliced
- 1kg tomato, chopped
- 4 garlic cloves, sliced
- 1 red chilli, chopped (optional)
- 4 cm piece ginger, peeled and chopped
- 250g brown sugar
- 150ml red wine vinegar
- 5 cardamom seeds
- ½ tsp paprika
You just simply throw all the ingerdiants in a big pot and heat until it's simmering away. Then cook and reduce for around an hour, then when it's getting ready turn the heat up and bubble furiously until it starts to darken. Cool mix, steralise jars, fill and enjoy.....
This one I used a bit less sugar.
2kg tomatoes,
1kg Spanish Onoins
Chille powder
Dried basil
about a cup of raisins
2 small packs of dried fruit (banana, peach, etc)
Glass of wine (I used white, but red will also do)
Again, as above, all ingrediants into a pan, bring to the boil, then simmer genlty until liquid is reducing, then bring back to the boil until darkened/caremelised. (circa 1 and 1/2 hours cooking)
Feel free to add or take anything away (except the onions and the tomato, otherwise you'll no have chutney
Peace, DST