Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam


Well-Known Member
Rooftop update....rain rain go away, and only come back when I am in bed thank you......

Cheese Surprise and HO+cookies growing in the shade ffs.

Some tomatoes I got indoors.

Oleander that was ravished last year with "spint" but bounced back ok

Our new organic avocado

pumpkin pumping along

looky looky...

fluffy furry pumpkin flowers, how pawetty

Dog clones hiding from the rain

Blue Pit reveg

Tom, t-tom-tom

US Toms from seed....

help, the plants are taking over.....

Fuk me, they are taking over everywhere, I can't even get into my cab...

Pretty much all my Deep Blues got the claw...ffs. But they look lush none the less.

More doggies gone into the mix

Heres the back of the St Bernard Dog, the lazy mans vertscrog

And the front

Ties back to prevent it from leaning into the light

New puppies, some were not quite ready to be let out on the leash so had to go back to the training camp

the late comers, plus some Engineers Dream DOG clones and a St Bernard DOG clone

And of course they are cutting the grass here today so I expect more bugs to be hitting the greenhouse over the next day. I spend my life picking grass (the type that makes football pitches) out of my grow pots:)

Have a great weekend riu munchkins.

Peace, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
crackin as usual man, been meaning to ask for a while what's HO= cookies? humboldts own? look rigid in structure to each other, like you can see the split of which are cheese surprise. deep blues look way more sativa than mine, like major difference. frosty claws is ok by me ;)

Pishing it doon here too.


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about naming the Engineer's Dream x DOG something like :

DOG Trainer ?
Rail DOG?
Choo-choo DOG?
Loco DOG (short for locomotive)?

Just spitballin'...


Well-Known Member
We got 3 of those little things now, Ninja just keep hoping they don't shrivell up and die.

HO+cookies I am not sure, Genuity told me what they were on the 600 and I have forgoten again, lol. I'll try and find his post.
And the Deep Blue seems to have brought out the more sat side in the f4's. Most of mine are like this. only 1 came out with slightly more web shaped leaves.

Thanks the the suggestions Doob. I quite like Loco Dog and Rail Dog actually:)


Well-Known Member
well I see your avatar lasted long, lmfao.

so here's what the ho+cookies is:
(fire alien kush x cherry puff)=FIREBALLS<<<to make it easy to remember.24 days 12/12>>(cherry puff)=cherry pie x og

And here's whats what at my boys cribb.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
damn ur tomatoes are more frosty than ur bud lemme taste some of em, and finish it with some of that dog uv got stashed away lol


Well-Known Member
the dolce rosso toms do a get a nice shine on the branches, and the flash pics that up nicely:)


Well-Known Member
Here's one of my compost girls, unknown variety (but looks a bit like a cross between a sour kush and a deep blue)

this is supposed to show you 11 blades but you can't see the two little devil horn blades at the tip of the petiole as they are hidden.

I got to take my st bernard out before I get access to anything else:) upskirt>

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
:shock: Plants taking over!!!!
Hey I also did the lazy mans vert scrog in veg,,, I didnt get ambitious enough to use twist ties though lol I just shoved some sticks in there. As someone said when I posted it, "nice stick work" ;-)

edit: I would like to go back and find the post to share but the search option is uhhh, well, IDK.



Well-Known Member
The beasties found my tomatoes! I was lucky enough to enjoy two of them before they decimated my crop! All half eaten and covered with fruit flies!!!! I can't wait to finish this greenhouse. The 100 degree weather is not helping.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmmm gusset shots first thing monday morning. sweet.

got 2 canny looking toms on the dolce rosso's when i checked this today. deep blue sour whatever?! looks frosty as man. should be a winner


Well-Known Member
Hey hey, toms on the old dolce's, I saw them over at your thread, cool and the gang!!! What sort of pot you got it in now? Mine are going bizzzzzzerk! They are both in 70litre pots and they are gobbling up like 10 litres every couple of days with the sun out. None of my tomatoes from seed have started to produce fruit yet, although blooms everywhere.

Wife and I were talking yesterday about the pumpkin. From what I understand they quite like shaded areas, not in direct sunlight. When the sun is out on the rooftop it get's quite scorchio, and the pumpkin leaves just start to perspire and wilt a bit. Yesterday I brought Momma dog out and put her in front as a sun break, lol. So why the fuk do pumpkins grow so much in South Africa was what we couldn't figure out......super scorchio down there innit!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the dolce are in a 9L i think though i've not checked. i've had to top the bought varieties at 5ft the dolce a little lower though i wish i'd had her earlier the fruit are bigger than the bought ones and the plant is only half the size. I reckon their like weed and the older the momma the better the clones root and the actual age of the cut the better the fruit much like grape vines.

as for the pumpkins i aint got a scooby pal. no way they'd grow over here lol. it's got to be environmental difference, could be a difference in uv spectrum maybe?


Well-Known Member
I reckon a lot of the starts you get in the shops are from seed stock, a lot easier for them to do that than keep mothers and clone, lol. But I think you are probably right as these things clone in a stupid amount of time really and seem crazy vigorous.