Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

Cheers bassman.

Jig. Don't tell me it's the deli girl lol.
Money's on one of the little kids you are teaching English too....teachers pet. Either that or the car rental girls declared her love roflmfao
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Most people under 40 weren't around when you pulled up to the pumps and an attendant would come to you window and ask "regular or premium?"...and then proceed to service your car.
I saw gas at $0.10 during a gas war.
grey matter is awakening

They still do the full service in South Africa. It's great but does remind you how cheap some of the labour is....
It is against the law to pump your own gas in Oregon
She's a person from my spanish school who I get along with. She just happens to be a cute, single girl 9 years my junior. I really just want someone to pass some time with when my girls leave me here alone. :/

And while this may be a poor decision, you have to admit, it's at least entertaining to hear about, no?

Wife's told me it's all good... she just doesn't want to ever meet her or hear anything about her. The more I type this stuff out the worse and worse it all sounds to me. I'm going to stop typing.

You know what they say on the interwebs "pics or it didn't happen" :).

Exactly... no pictures = it didn't happen.
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Thats a Greenman Organics Black Malawi first and for size reference to the fan thats a Connoseur Genetics Cheese and Chong second. I am impressed with both of them!

@jigfresh its so easy to not live in the US ;). My friend is close to you there in Spain. Same area. Once I get back to work will make a trip over to visit him.
I'm struggling to compute this in my brain. my lass would stab me up I'm 100% certain. I mean how the F do you even approach the subject like that.

Well, it all starts at the beginning when I met my wife I was living with a girl who was in love with me. My 'roommate' got upset when I met wife and moved out in a huff, so I asked wife (who I'd only known for a month) to move in with me... take the other girls place. All the while the ex roommate was plotting with another girl (one whom I dated before any of the others showed up on the scene) to break me and my wife up. That lead to the birthday party my wife and I went to, in which the old ex roommate proceeded to tell my wife (not my wife then) how she was so wrong for me, and that I belonged with her (crazy drunk ex roommate). Oh it was ugly. I hid from the conversation and snuggled up to the girl who I dated first first out of all of them. She was still infatuated with me at the time. Really bad scene. So that was all in the first 4 months of me meeting my wife.

Then there was the professor I was in love with at my grad school... while I was with my wife. There was the girl in AA I asked to hang out with a bunch, wife said no to that, and I think it's a good idea.

When I headed off to Spain wife said it was ok if I found a Spanish girlfriend, she knows I don't like being alone. There was a strange relationship last year that never really went anywhere, only to awkwardness.

Other strange bits to add to the convoluted picture, in our first 5 years together my wife was often suggesting we get a professional to have some fun with. I was always the one to say, hmmmm, I'm not sure. Not sure what my problem was. Also a little pertinent is that my wife made out with a guy half her age at a work conference. I suppose other guys would have been upset. She 'confessed' around 10pm when she got back to her hotel. I thought it was pretty hot, the whole thing, She was 'only' 2 hours drive away, so I jumped in the car and got there around 1am. What a great night.

Wife also knows my past.... girl messes from here to Kindergarten. My dad and grandpa are/ were the same way.

Oh, and just found out my friend now has another single girl roommate. I think we're all going to Africa.

ffs... I wish all of this was a joke.