Ronald Reagan was a Racist?.

The war on drugs was basically war on the black community. Reagan was before my time but I'm pretty sure he had a lot to do with it.
The baton was past to Reagan from Nixon. He is the architect of the war on drugs. It wasn’t on just blacks but Hispanics also, they were part of it, as well as Hippies and their Marijuana, due their anti-war stance (Vietnam). You see, the inner cities and their heroin, and marijuana were enemy #1, they were criminalized (Blacks and Hispanics). They never thought that shit would ever reach white suburbia because the drugs were funneled in specifically into inner cities.

Now that white suburbia is infested with heroin it’s no longer called criminal by the establishment, it’s called a medical epidemic. Funny how that works...
The baton was past to Reagan from Nixon. He is the architect of the war on drugs. It wasn’t on just blacks but Hispanics also, they were part of it, as well as Hippies and their Marijuana, due their anti-war stance (Vietnam). You see, the inner cities and their heroin, and marijuana were enemy #1, they were criminalized (Blacks and Hispanics). They never thought that shit would ever reach white suburbia because the drugs were funneled in specifically into inner cities.

Now that white suburbia is infested with heroin it’s no longer called criminal by the establishment, it’s called a medical epidemic. Funny how that works...
It’s not criminal when their Lilly white adult children are smacking each other up and dropping dead it’s fucking “sad” and someone else’s fault, probably “Mexicans”.

Ronald Reagan called representatives of an African country’s government “monkeys” in a 1971 telephone call with then-President Richard Nixon, according to a newly released recording of the private conversation.

The National Archives released audio of the call between Nixon and Reagan , who was then the GOP governor of California, earlier this month.

“To see those, those monkeys from those African countries. Damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes,” Reagan told Nixon, reportedly in reference to members of the Tanzanian delegation dancing in the United Nations’ General Assembly following its vote to recognize the People’s Republic of China.

In a subsequent telephone call to then-Secretary of State William Rogers, Nixon said Reagan “saw these cannibals on television last night, and he says, ‘Christ, they weren’t even wearing shoes, and here the United States is going to submit its fate to that,’ and so forth and so on.”

Holy shit, I thought that the GOP and one of it's greatest treasures loved the Black community.

What the fuck was I thinking?

You know that Trump and his base are giving themselves high fives seeing that one of their inspirational leaders and heroes was on target almost 50 years ago, way before Trump called Black countries "shitholes".

And I thought Republicans loved the Black community, right?

I guess I was wrong

From that pricks own mouth.
He should have been impeached in his 1st term for the Contra's alone.

The baton was past to Reagan from Nixon. He is the architect of the war on drugs. It wasn’t on just blacks but Hispanics also, they were part of it, as well as Hippies and their Marijuana, due their anti-war stance (Vietnam). You see, the inner cities and their heroin, and marijuana were enemy #1, they were criminalized (Blacks and Hispanics). They never thought that shit would ever reach white suburbia because the drugs were funneled in specifically into inner cities.

Now that white suburbia is infested with heroin it’s no longer called criminal by the establishment, it’s called a medical epidemic. Funny how that works...
When I first began buying bud, Reagan was on his first term; price=$40/oz.
By the time his reign ended, it was up to $150; IF you could even find it.
30 years ago I was paying $300/zip off a Navy guy smuggling it from Hawaii.
Nixon, Reagan, and King George the 1st are my top worst President of all time; in that order.
One of my fav informative vids, 5 minute mark covers war on drugs.
Barr was wrapped up in covering that up too. It is crazy watching this video that came out before his summary and basically how he performed the exact same task with the Mueller report.

Reagan was a douchebag, his wife was a shrew. Reagan was a Democrat, and a racist, like FDR, before he was a Republican.
Reagan was a Democrat in name only (a Republican In Name Only is nicknamed a 'RhINO.' He refused to join the Hollywood unions prior to changing his party affiliation.
No, I don't. I advocate for consensual human relations.

You advocate for nonconsensual human relations. Rape is a nonconsensual act.
You are against the civil rights act. You have no problems with a black man being refused service based on the color of skin. You also think a child of 12 can consent to sex with an adult.
You are against the civil rights act. You have no problems with a black man being refused service based on the color of skin. You also think a child of 12 can consent to sex with an adult.

So, basically, you'd be okay with forcing an unwilling person to serve another person ? So, consent isn't important to you then.
They consent when they choose to open a store


That's not true. First a person could know that government people will punish them if they don't behave in a certain way, but that's not the same as actual consent.

For instance, if you had grown an illegal plant knowing you could be punished, that doesn't mean you consented to any punishment, it may have even meant you didn't want others to dictate how you would use your property, your time, resources and your body.

Certainly consent is important in human relationships, but you don't seem to be very consistent in how you apply that, Poopy Pants.
Reagan was a Democrat in name only (a Republican In Name Only is nicknamed a 'RhINO.' He refused to join the Hollywood unions prior to changing his party affiliation.

Are you nuts?
Reagan was always a member of the Screen Actors Guild most of his life.

He was also its president twice while still a Democrat.