Ronald Reagan was a Racist?.


Well-Known Member

Ronald Reagan called representatives of an African country’s government “monkeys” in a 1971 telephone call with then-President Richard Nixon, according to a newly released recording of the private conversation.

The National Archives released audio of the call between Nixon and Reagan , who was then the GOP governor of California, earlier this month.

“To see those, those monkeys from those African countries. Damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes,” Reagan told Nixon, reportedly in reference to members of the Tanzanian delegation dancing in the United Nations’ General Assembly following its vote to recognize the People’s Republic of China.

In a subsequent telephone call to then-Secretary of State William Rogers, Nixon said Reagan “saw these cannibals on television last night, and he says, ‘Christ, they weren’t even wearing shoes, and here the United States is going to submit its fate to that,’ and so forth and so on.”

Holy shit, I thought that the GOP and one of it's greatest treasures loved the Black community.

What the fuck was I thinking?

You know that Trump and his base are giving themselves high fives seeing that one of their inspirational leaders and heroes was on target almost 50 years ago, way before Trump called Black countries "shitholes".

And I thought Republicans loved the Black community, right?

I guess I was wrong

Racism is a Republican mainstay only in recent years they weren't as known but the internet and an orange moron gave them a voice
You know what is really funny?
That's to this day the Pukes use their Lincoln card saying, see, we gave the slaves their freedom, so we can't possibly be racist.
And they actually pull that shit..
Why do I get that feeling that if Lincoln were alive today he'd be a Bernie supporter?
Prove it.
Why do you hate Dem's so much, or is it just everyone?

I don't hate Dem's so much. My mom's still a Democrat as are some other family members.

I don't like politics though and see Democrats and Republicans as fundamentally the same, both are wrong.

Reagan was a democrat, and both he and FDR were racists.
I don't hate Dem's so much. My mom's still a Democrat as are some other family members.

I don't like politics though and see Democrats and Republicans as fundamentally the same, both are wrong.

Reagan was a democrat, and both he and FDR were racists.
How old are you, boy? They can’t make you trolls know everything but trust me here. Liberals have always been a very endangered species while racism was par for the course. You really don’t understand do you? Seriously. Not excusing it at all but trying to explain it. John Wayne was another overt racist. It was much more acceptable than being a liberal. Just like it is today with the same conservative fucks.
How old are you, boy? They can’t make you trolls know everything but trust me here. Liberals have always been a very endangered species while racism was par for the course. You really don’t understand do you? Seriously. Not
excusing it at all but trying to explain it. John Wayne was another overt racist. It was much more acceptable than being a liberal. Just like it is today with the same conservative fucks.

I'm eleven, but look 14.
he was merely a west coast dixecrat, he followed the segregationist into the republican party around the same time they left the democrats.
and he hated jack kennedy because he was a catholic.

So how do you explain the Democrats hero, FDR, and his blatant unconstitutional racist acts ?
You know what is really funny?
That's to this day the Pukes use their Lincoln card saying, see, we gave the slaves their freedom, so we can't possibly be racist.
And they actually pull that shit..
Why do I get that feeling that if Lincoln were alive today he'd be a Bernie supporter?

If Lincoln was such a great emancipator, why was he okay with conscripting soldiers to go fight people who wanted to leave the Union ?

Isn't the act of conscription an anti-freedom act?