Ron Paul Victorious Again- Ron Paul Follows Up Iowa Win With Win In New Hampshire


Well-Known Member
You think he will? Not just campaign slogans, do you honestly think he is going to shut down the military industrial complex. I like some of the stuff he talks about, but my gut tells me were he to get in a few things would change but nothing "important". You know what I mean?
Kinda funny how much Obama railed about Bush and his military policies but suddenly when he got into office he not only continued 95% of them, he expanded his powers.


Well-Known Member
Kinda funny how much Obama railed about Bush and his military policies but suddenly when he got into office he not only continued 95% of them, he expanded his powers.
That's what I'm saying. Campaign promises quit with the campaign. People seem to forget that.


Well-Known Member
You think he will? Not just campaign slogans, do you honestly think he is going to shut down the military industrial complex. I like some of the stuff he talks about, but my gut tells me were he to get in a few things would change but nothing "important". You know what I mean?
I hear ya but Ron Paul is pretty steady and consistent. His voting record shows that. BUT you always have to fight the power. People get corrupted. Jefferson did some King like things when he came into office.


New Member
So many new endorsements for Ron Paul each day I would be banned if I posted them all for spam, but I think they are important to talk about so I am going to sum up this mornings endorsements. Three More Senators Endorse Ron Paul Today, Stephen Colbert also breaks character to Endorse. Also The band Industry announcing they will be playing their Ron Paul song at the grammys.



More importantly several days ago Dr. Paul Introduced his bill to repeal the NDAA provisions which authorize indefinite detainment of American Citizens by the Military:

Also A new South Carolina Television Ad:
