Well-Known Member
The tax breaks that weren't paid for? Oh, you mean the money they borrowed from China and printed out of thin air that you will have to pay back ten-fold with higher taxes in the future because they didn't cut spending to make up for the lower revenue. Yeah, that's awesome. $17 trillion in debt, here we come.
i forgot...tax breaks are only good when republicans pass them. silly me.
Pre-existing condition...that's awesome considering you actually still call it "insurance", I wrecked my car and I think I'll go get some "insurance" to get it fixed... any takers? Of course insurance premiums are SKYROCKETING for everyone to the point that now people who used to be able to afford it, now can't. But, that's great for your wife. Needs of the few, outweigh the needs of the many... isn't that how Spock said it?
so, because my wife takes meds for anxiety (a pre existing condition) she should be unable to protect her many assets by being precluded from buying health insurance?
and it's not like premiums nearly tripled in the 20 years before the PPACA passed. but to acknowledge that would sap all the power out of your short-sighted talking point.
MILLIONS of lost jobs during his presidency... MILLIONS, still hovering at a "real" unemployment number around 17%... fantastic, well worth the TRILLIONS he's spent.
millions lost in the few months after he first sat down in the oval office.
millions gained later on.
but i forgot, you live in a world where somehow liberals are expected to wave a magic wand and get us out of the worst recession since the depression overnight.
And the regulations, awww yes, the regulations... doing so much to jump start business investment.
Signing and lying about the NDAA.
Breaking legal contracts.
Making a "recess appointment" when the Senate was still in session.
The list goes on and on... quite a guy.
Lowest job approval rating of any President in modern history at this point in his Presidency. He actually makes Carter look good.
I'm actually starting to hope he wins reelection, it may be the only way to hit bottom so we can once and for all be done with this Progressive bullshit.
omg the regulations!
i'm sure we could jump start this economy overnight. no one will mind that the rivers are catching on fire.
so sorry that this president did so many of the key platforms he was elected to fulfill. i especially apologize for those tax breaks. i know you, as a conservative, feels that government knows how to spend your money better than you do.