Ron Paul defends Park 51


Well-Known Member
So if a pregnant lady is walking her dog who trips her and she loses the baby is that unintentional manslaughter?

The problem with the anti abortion stance is that you cannot possibly know every single situation where abortion is a possibility. And if you cannot know ever single situation an absolute answer like it is wrong, just shouldn't be pushed as a law onto everyone because of your belief.

Ron Paul is just like any other politician, he has some really good qualities, but unfortunately no clue about how the economy actually works outside the conspiracy theory sect he rolls with, and since he would sew up A womans womb, he ranks right up there with the rest of the republicans to me. I'll still vote dem, because the have just as little of a clue about economics, but at least they are for freedom in human rights issues in ways that the right are not.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is just like any other politician, he has some really good qualities, but unfortunately no clue about how the economy actually works outside the conspiracy theory sect he rolls with, and since he would sew up A womans womb, he ranks right up there with the rest of the republicans to me. I'll still vote dem, because the have just as little of a clue about economics, but at least they are for freedom in human rights issues in ways that the right are not.
I beg to differ. Ron Paul knows more about economics than everyone on this board rolled together, BY FAR. You obviously have never read one of his books, or listened to a speech about economic interests either, if you had you would be able to tell right away that he indeed knows exactly what he is talking about. Keynes is the one who didn't know shit about econ.

The Dems have a better econ clue huh? Obama a democrat? Are things improving?


Well-Known Member

Maybe you should read what I said again. The dems are essentially clueless too. And vie been reading Ron Pauls rants last night and this morning and may need to put together something for him. He is just as wrong as any other politician. The guy is a doctor right? I'm sure if I read a bunch of holistic medical books I will be able to practice medicine as good as him right?

Face it he's full of shit.


Well-Known Member

Maybe you should read what I said again. The dems are essentially clueless too. And vie been reading Ron Pauls rants last night and this morning and may need to put together something for him. He is just as wrong as any other politician. The guy is a doctor right? I'm sure if I read a bunch of holistic medical books I will be able to practice medicine as good as him right?

Face it he's full of shit.
I reread your post, I guess you did say dems were stupid too. But Ron Paul isn't a Republican so Im not sure why you said what you did because its not a comparison, but I agree that the Dems want everyone to feel good and have everything their heart desires and all of this at no cost to themselves.

You go ahead and study some books, you still won't be a doctor.

The government hired Economists are just as wrong as anyone, just wait and see how this so called "Recovery" works out, it won't and your standard of living is going to be trashed, just like 98% of everyone elses. The Fed cannot stop what is already in motion, the best they can do is slow things down a bit. Until there is collapse there will not be recovery.


Well-Known Member
Actually doesn't getting a phd in economics technically mean I'm going to be a doctor?

I was making that reference because even though he obviously drank the misses Von bullshit koolaid it doesn't make him an economist.

And a problem you seem to have in thinking that the government hired economist are as wrong as anyone may stem from the fact you don't ever hear much from actual economists nor do you read what they actually put out because it is crazy complicated mathematically and by the time the politicians decide what is important it doesn't even resemble anything that it did before and the economist forecast prior to the raping of it are invalid.

But I agree about the fed only slightly changing the speed, fixing messes this big is way out of their hands and falls on us citizens and businesses, the government has a big roll too, even though I know you may disagree with the last part.


Active Member
if you think ron paul doesnt know about economics, then YOU dont know about it...

dude has been right pretty much every fucking time

he is spot on about our military dictatorships

he is a true american who believes in the constitution and upholds his sworn duty to defend it


Well-Known Member
And how do you know he is right all the time?

He may know the bullshit Austrian school of whatever hypothetical economic thought that is based on feelings, but it is about as valid as creationism.

They basically are just conspiracy theorist anymore and chant the sky is falling all the time, and when they actually are in times of economic downturns, they say see we are right, and nobody else saw this, even though that is bullshit, but they can get away with it because people that buy into their crap never question it.

And still I think he is a good dude, just really really out there with the whole Austrian economics thing. And he doesn't know it which is far far scarier because he is in a place of power.

But again that doesn't worry me so much because almost everyone in politics don't have a clue about economics and do stupid shit too.