Ron Paul bet!


Well-Known Member
Tell you what, all of the Ron Paul cultists on here, I would like to make a bet with you. If Ron Paul does not win the republican nomination, you cannot ever mention him again on this website! If he wins, I will register to vote and vote for Ron Paul. So, if you would like to do this, please respond to this thread and I will keep track of who all wants to do this.


Active Member
Hmmmm interesting bet lool I might take you up on it. When do they announce nominations not from America so wouldn't know


Well-Known Member
Tell you what, all of the Ron Paul cultists on here, I would like to make a bet with you. If Ron Paul does not win the republican nomination, you cannot ever mention him again on this website! If he wins, I will register to vote and vote for Ron Paul. So, if you would like to do this, please respond to this thread and I will keep track of who all wants to do this.
we will simply say well rand pauls dad would have been better lolz


Well-Known Member
Tell you what, all of the Ron Paul cultists on here, I would like to make a bet with you. If Ron Paul does not win the republican nomination, you cannot ever mention him again on this website! If he wins, I will register to vote and vote for Ron Paul. So, if you would like to do this, please respond to this thread and I will keep track of who all wants to do this.
How would you prove it?


Well-Known Member
How would you prove it?
First off I am a man of my word and take betting very seriously (one of the ways I make my living). Second, I don't vote and I have never registered. Therefore it's really not hard for me to vote for Ron Paul as I don't give a shit and my one vote wouldn't do shit either way.


Active Member
No one know when they announce the republican nomination. And you can put me as down for the bet :P


New Member
Really its barely a fair bet to make, I have been looking at betting odds and its about 30%+ chance Ron Paul will win the nomination on average...If you bet that Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney would win or something rather then just "Ron won't win" then Id say we would have to give you a little something extra because the odds would be in our favor, anyway, Ill take your bet, even against "odds" because I see the reality of the situation on the ground.


Well-Known Member
Bro thats simply not true sorry. Heres the odds and % chance of winning. Romney $1.60 - 62%, Gingrich $6.80- 15% , Paul $13- 7%.
I dont care who wins but this is the real market and odds conversion.


Well-Known Member
Really its barely a fair bet to make, I have been looking at betting odds and its about 30%+ chance Ron Paul will win the nomination on average...If you bet that Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney would win or something rather then just "Ron won't win" then Id say we would have to give you a little something extra because the odds would be in our favor, anyway, Ill take your bet, even against "odds" because I see the reality of the situation on the ground.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see very many posts about Newt Or Mitt. This is why I want this bet as there are way to damn many posts about Ron on here and I am just tired of seeing them. Of course, let's see what type of people you are when he loses, if you keep your word.


New Member
Bro thats simply not true sorry. Heres the odds and % chance of winning. Romney $1.60 - 62%, Gingrich $6.80- 15% , Paul $13- 7%.
I dont care who wins but this is the real market and odds conversion.
yea seems you are right it looks like it shifted quite a bit recently. This I am sure is accurate when you posted it but already has changed dramatically with Newt at 10 and Paul at 7.9 via intrade...also somehow cain is at 33% and hes dropped out so not so sure I trust these betting odds.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Really its barely a fair bet to make, I have been looking at betting odds and its about 30%+ chance Ron Paul will win the nomination on average...
From reading this board you'd think Ron Paul has the election won already.


Well-Known Member
"Second, I don't vote and I have never registered. Therefore it's really not hard for me to vote for Ron Paul as I don't give a shit and my one vote wouldn't do shit either way. "

First of all let me say that I agree that Ron Paul will not be our next President or the one after that. His message reaches a lot of the younger generation as well as the people who want to legalize MJ. Second of all I will say that you are not the only ONE that says and thinks the way you do regarding your voting not to count. If even HALF of the people that thought like you voted, it WOULD make a major difference. It would be beneficial to you to get out of that mindset regardless of who you want to vote for. One of the reasons this country is in as big of a mess as it is in right now is because people don't care what this country becomes. And SINCE you don't vote and obviously don't care what happens to this country, what brings you to the Political room?? Just askin'.