Romulan n Kryptonite 2 strains, 2 lights, 2lbs.



Oh check the end of the previous page i have a few coo pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awww a way to smell things on the internet wud be cool as fuck! but im not shur how thatd work without a direct line to the item, or a library of every smell within the computer itself.... but boy howdy id be on of the first to buy one whenthey come out lol ;)
I don't think we should have a smell bank... You know how many people look up dirty ass porn an freaky shit like people gettin killed... Really wanna smell all that?? Haha On a side note. Lookin bomb. How long did you flush for?
I don't think we should have a smell bank... You know how many people look up dirty ass porn an freaky shit like people gettin killed... Really wanna smell all that?? Haha On a side note. Lookin bomb. How long did you flush for?
hahahaha thats funny shit bro lol. brazilian fart porn bwahahahaha!!!!!!!!lol anywho i just flush once. about a week before its chopped. flushing is mainly used just to clear the soil of note and salt build ups, or to fix over nutes. so in my grow im pretty easy on nutes so never a over dose, but to deal with build up and to clean shit out i use Hydrozyme throughout the flower period
So up to the red bowl pic is a week old.. it was trimmin up the last bit of rom. (total weight in a few days) trimming the dry rom tonight then looking into BHO. shud be way way better as i am dramatically upgrading my BHO equip.. I'm embarased to say i used this piece, but it worked ehhh..

the rest is of my upgrade haha 2 6 foot movers!!! so i got all of my girls under the MH movin bout half the bar. They will be join into 12-12 tomorrow after i clone the rom, kmk dom, and tangerine dream.

the seedlings are either tang dream or GDP or Gods gift all of which are outa my buddies garden so they re bomb. seen em grow and tasted the product they are bomb cant wait to see what i can do. see what up with the sex tho.....

Peace, vid coming soon
Make a vid on your bho. I've seen a couple people do it an I've done it. I've got it to crumble about half the time.
Lol, looks good by the way. Like the pistol. I need to get myself one. All I got are long rifles.

ay thanks bro!! ya i love my sig, no rifles yet but got the shotty so its all good hehe. not the best hood i live in... ill try to make one BHO vid, wen i get around to it haha

peace dude
Nah its a Sig Saur 2022, haha thats funny. thanks dude!

its goin good here got 11 more seedlings today. going to keep veggin everyone at the moment. OH transplanted the solo cup kryp and the Tang as well, into 3 gal. cutting clones just for single or double mothers tomaro. those will be growed big enough to cut a combined total for a controlled next crop.

the seedlings now being mostly GDP and Gods Gift will be grown to sex, males will be tossed for now. most vigerous of the FEMs will be grown to mothers, the extra fems will be dropped into flower right away. well thats the plan for now, but will see what up. got a new job now so gota see what hours are yet.

camera is acting weird wont record past a few seconds... its not even full either so idk... also I havent done shit in the grow room beside a full veg water..
Thanks forgot to do it lol...

grand total of half pound and 2oz. or 10oz. not too bad, not my 2lbs was hoping for, but had those issues at the beginning so eh im happy. it is quality stuff cant wait to try it. had some early krypto and i cut it at the perfect time haha hella smooth good pain reliever but doesnt make you drowzy. none of the new rom but i still have left over oz.s from last go.

im slackin here but not in the grow room ;) update soon i promise.
Yeah it happens. I have no ideas what to expect from my next harvest. I changed my nutes and started growing vertically. Before I was hittin 2 a light with my blue dream strain and 12 zips with mk
Yeah it happens. I have no ideas what to expect from my next harvest. I changed my nutes and started growing vertically. Before I was hittin 2 a light with my blue dream strain and 12 zips with mk

damn 2 P a light? thats great!! if i had 1000ies and bigger hoods maybe but i only got the 600s and one decent sized hood the other is small as fuck...

so ur vertical now? oh no wait i knew that lol ya you got hella plants goin!!! after seeing your set up kinda inspired me to go vertical