Romulan 2 weeks away. Some looks like it is from Planet Romulus HELP!!!


New Member
Hi there everyone,

I have half a flower room of Romulan that is nearing 2 weeks away from harvest and about 30% of the plants have been showing some strange signs 2 weeks.

I. The strangest thing to note would probably be the leaf color variation that resembles Zebra Stripes (green and yellow)

II. Some leaves have turned a pale green in comparison to the forest green of the other plants (deficiency)

III. Also the leaves are curling downward (abundance)

The color variation came on first, which I figured were probably just plant genetics as it did not resemble a deficiency / abundance. Then the plants became a bit paler, which I thought was (deficiency). Quickly afterwards I began to notice the curling...

I typically water at a balanced solution of 800 PPM (1.7 EC). The curling was a tell-tale sign and I've backed off to 600 PPM for the past two weeks. Some curling has gone away while the other have begun to curl :/
This is at a point where it could be entirely too late to recover this plant as it is nearing harvest. However if anyone would like to check the pictures out and chime in with some advice it would be greatly appreciated.

photo 1.JPG
photo 3.JPG
Zebra stripes

photo 5.JPG
Pale green but also curling downward



New Member
Too much chlorine in water causes leaves to point down like that- the half-half leaf I think the stem is damaged on that particular leaf UNLESS more of them are like that- take a picture of the actual plant next time... maybe that leaf was touching the bulb.. who knows! It's like your asking us to solve a puzzle and giving 1/4 of the pieces. NEED MORE INFO. thanks.


New Member
Thanks for the quick replies.

PH is @ 5.5. This is a hand water hydro system in a coco / perlite mix on trellised tables w/ HPS 1000 watt lights. Plants get flooded once per day w/ 800 PPM solution, which switched to 600 PPM due to nutrient abundance concern. The reason there is no picture of enitre plant because light spectrum of HPS lights throws off actual color and they are trellised in place right now. More than just one plant is curling and none are touching the bulbs.

Is there any other info needed