Romney supporter vs. Paul supporter


Well-Known Member

Pwned hard.


Well-Known Member
Where were these people when the patriot act was signed? I didn't hear a word from anyone but the left back then.

Of course there is "read your Constituion", "hitler", "stalin", "your children won't grow up in a free country"


Well-Known Member
lol, that lady. "those damn democrats!" That lady is tarded, why does she keep doing the quote sign when she says Obama?


Well-Known Member
lol, that lady. "those damn democrats!"

I wish I could laugh. the right has this woman in their pocket. She does not know why she is voting for Romeny, only that Obama will destroy our country, how? She doesn't know.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could laugh. the right has this woman in their pocket. She does not know why she is voting for Romeny, only that Obama will destroy our country, how? She doesn't know.
99% of voters, both democrat and republican alike are just like that woman. It's the disgusting reality. All you can do is laugh or cry... Honestly though, that lady is fucking retarded. "We can't blame Bush anymore"


King Tut
I wish I could laugh. the right has this woman in their pocket. She does not know why she is voting for Romeny, only that Obama will destroy our country, how? She doesn't know.
The same way he has and Romney will continue doing so (if elected).

Inflation and nation building suck.
Best 17 minutes of my day. This really shows the modern American divide: those who have educated themselves with hard facts, and those who just regurgitate pointless media talking points. Great post.


Well-Known Member
That dude really impressed me, calm demeanor, even after the woman started using a stronger tone, knowledgeable, to the point of stating sections in the Constitution (I couldn't), and persistent. That lady's only hope was for him to stop talking. She had absolutely nothing to come back with but talking points.

I hope she sees this and learns something (she won't).

Imo, Americans like that should not have the right to vote (but they always will because that's how people like Obama and Romney get into office).

Voting should be an earned privilege, you should have to pass some sort of competency test first.


Well-Known Member
By the end I lost my shit...

That lady, and people like her, are simply unreasonable.

I haven't seen such epic pwnage in a long time.

That was fucking class.


Well-Known Member
By the end I lost my shit...

That lady, and people like her, are simply unreasonable.

I haven't seen such epic pwnage in a long time.

That was fucking class.

You aren't seeing it with the right eyes.

The woman retained her talking points and in the face of facts (save the 35 people in the military that kill themselves every day), she held to her beliefs. Her belief was very simple - we will not last another 4 years with Obama and Romney will correct the economy lickety split.

She didn't say it but she implied "well, lets just agree to disagree", or, "I will believe what I've been led to believe regardless of the facts you so easily present to me". She is a right wing authoritarian and is psychologicaly incapable of sneaking up on the truth. She will alter time and space, objective reality, scientific certainty, and even the evidence of her own eyes or ears in order to have those things correlate with her preformed spoon fed ideology.

Take a look at Beenthere's posts for another example of such people. They are everywhere and not to be blamed because they cannot be changed, they are neither stupid nor foolish, they are simply subject to their own mentality. Some suspect they are born that way, others that they are nurtured in a way that breeds this sort of behavior. Regardless of how they got to be the way they have, a group of people have found them to be useful in the extreme, they are a ruthless politician's dream.